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High Rollers
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Everything posted by dc

  1. dc

    headphone going rates

    sorry, was talking about the sextetts post editted for clarification
  2. dc

    headphone going rates

    actually they're not, nothing but lowballers quoting Fitz and that I should sell it to them for $70 we're on the same wavelength brother, that's why they're selling as a package only...
  3. dc

    headphone going rates

    sorry forgot to mention stock bowls are included too. those are additional to the stock bowls
  4. dc

    headphone going rates

    man i'm getting mixed messages on that K501 =S someone's trying to convince me they're not worth more than $110
  5. dc

    headphone going rates

    they come with flats, 2 sets of HD414 (stock and quarter modded) and headphile c-pads so it's about right i think
  6. dc

    headphone going rates

    really? I'm making a killing on the HF-1s then... someone offered me over 2 and a half times that much =D But are you being serious about the K501?
  7. dc

    headphone going rates

    if photos help click these thumbnails to see the conditions of the headphones: Beyerdynamic DT531 Sennheiser HD580 Grado HF-1 AKG K240 Sextett Stax SR-001MK2 AKG K501
  8. argh! i just posted an interest check on h43d-f1 and i have no idea what their going rates are can anyone else help me out here? granted, i was probably being a bit optimistic with some of my prices but i think some people are getting a bit shocked i dare say abusive, as i mentioned i don't know their rates (sellers usually blank out their prices so this kills me) so can anyone else help me out? K501 mint DT531 mint w/ papers K240 sextett in good condition, w/box HD580 with HD600 grilles, HD650 cables 2 spare head cushions, 1 set of foam disks and a set of left/right fork thingies grado hf-1 mint w/ box and papers, 2 sets of HD414 pads, flat pads and headphile c-pads stax sr-001mk2 mint w/box and papers thanks guys, dc
  9. done
  10. how much would one pay for an M3? I might be scoring a PPAv2 + STEPS for $200
  11. not a huge fan of it, wouldn't eat it unless i'm at the movies or something
  12. my DAC-AH appears to have a ground loop but only with 1 of my amps and doesn't shock me solution so far has been simple - don't use it with the offending amp. didn't fancy their sound together anyway i too use optical, i'm going to try it with coaxial and see if it resolves that problem
  13. I know there's a million and 1 combinations, of both amps But in general, how's the M3 compare to a PPAv2?
  14. I guess there are peculiarities in language and presentation of food everywhere we go for one, I've never called a pizza a pie. a pie is a deep dished pastry filled with meat like this: also, the only time i've seen a pizza cut that way is when it's garlic/herb pizza starters finally, i take photos of lots of food as seen here: http://www.a-chau.net/gallery2/v/Food/ it's bizarre because sometimes i get extra good service as a result (i also sometimes take a notepad and write comments about food) other time i'm asked to stop and they get freaked out i can only imagine in scenario 1 they think i write restaurant reviews for a prestigious publication/website or 2 they think i'm from the health inspection authority
  15. dc

    fucking crap

    WTF is that real?!
  16. right-o
  17. wow. do you still have the equipment for it? and if you don't... are you willing to fabricate it?
  18. Wow, you made it to the end? You are to be commended =)
  19. that is quite interesting, another thing worth noting is that if the DAC portion is powered by the USB port, I know some laptops don't output as much power through their USB ports as say as desktop does...
  20. dc

    Fan-Boy Roster

    oh yeah how could i forget? Herandu: Beresford 7510 tool
  21. dc

    Fan-Boy Roster

    where's the K1000/K701 in that picture?
  22. wow looks good enigma audio is run by GrandEnigma right?
  23. dc

    fucking crap

    I got rolled this one time. Had just withdrawn $300 cash from the ATM. I was with 2 other mates, we got mugged by 6 guys. Surprisingly 4 took me on, and my mates got 1 each. They went straight for my wallet. Surprisingly not even noticing my 1 week old $900 mobile phone. Makes me think that they saw me from the ATM and followed me. Moral of the story? Don't walk down dark alley ways.
  24. dc

    fucking crap

    sad to hear that... did you give centre management your details? maybe file a claim with your car insurance/home & contents insurance whichever may cover your stuff best
  25. 3. solid state is quicker and less prone to shock. they have record boot times 4. you'll need to make a ghost image and ghost it on to the new one
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