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High Rollers
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Everything posted by dc

  1. interesting mine has no such problems either (going from cold or warm start) but would be interested in knowing...
  2. well the recable cost is about the same for any other headphone it's just that in this case the relative price for the cable is much higher than say on a phone worth a thousand i guess the impedance increase does something to the sound... i don't know how much the impedance adaptors sell for normally but yeah...
  3. dc

    Nice Epay auction

    there was a song about ebay by wierd al
  4. sometimes I wish Australia had such deals too =(
  5. that would be the Asus eePc
  6. yeah those antec cases are pretty sweet i've got an SLK3000B for my ageing machine it's so quiet though sonatas are supposed to be pretty quiet too
  7. I like neither Grados nor Senns
  8. dc

    Nice Epay auction

    damn, must be the current FOTM vintage PCDP
  9. overclocking is counter-productive to quietness... also you haven't mentioned your power supply but a good quiet one will do wonders too larger heatsinks with more surface area using heat pipes = good thermalright are extra good in this regard bigger, but slower spinning fans are good use hard disk bungees/suspenders neat and tidy cabling to encourage proper air flow a high quality case with its air flow well thought out and some cases now also have 3 layered panels might also want to use sound deadening foam on the inside of your case, though it'll probably increase the temps
  10. howdy
  11. in Australia laptops get considerably cheap coming up to the end of financial year 1. business wanting to clear out stock before the new financial year 2. consumers wanting to buy up as much as they can before tax time
  12. love is for sissies
  13. a mug tree i bought from target... some banana hangers... some woo stands...
  14. did that uber amp ever come into fruition? i can somehow imagine kevin gilmore using a tranny that big
  15. someone once told me that most common UPS as those used for PCs are no good for audio gear because instead of a nice round sine wave, when they kick in on their battery they output a square wave that is no good for audio equipment can anyone confirm this?
  16. dc

    headphone going rates

    i see, that's a good feature come to think of it. I don't know if anyone does care, but there's a few comments flying around so whatever gets the juices flowing for a discussion... i say why not. no confidential information that i'm aware of you're full of crap. i'm quite over this, aren't you? you still haven't explained why you PMed me 250-300 if you're claiming it was a typo. oh wait, now you claim it was a misquote... but according to you it's so easy to research prices. take some of your own advice and you won't misquote in future
  17. dc

    headphone going rates

    I also have a bunch of phones that don't sell frequently and 6+ month old prices are of no use to me seeking current market value
  18. dc

    headphone going rates

    wth happened to my edit buttons? anyway, for clarification I'm just going to mention that my HF-1s didn't go that much over market value because in addition to stock bowls they include c-pads (~120) flats (~$35) 2 sets of HD414 (~$20) add those numbers to the assumed market value of a HF-1 which is ~$350 and take away some for being used and $465 isn't such a high price afterall oh did I mention my prices include shipping? does that make me seem less of a capitalising, profiteering c*nt?
  19. dc

    headphone going rates

    OK I didn't want to turn this into a public debate, but I thought the tongue in nature of my posts was quite evident. I replied to your messages and I didn't publicly name you as opposed to ignoring you and telling everyone who made the offer. If you go into your sent items of your head-fi PM box, you will clearly see that you told me the HF-1s were worth $250-300. You claim the 250 was a typo and was supposed to be a 350 well i find it hard to believe you also dropped exactly 100 off the 400 which had now become a 300. If I received a mesage saying $250-400 your would sound more credible, but let's get real here. I was obviously naive, I even told you so in my reply and you tried to take advantage of it.
  20. dc

    headphone going rates

    Not upset, just learning and discussing. I'm trying to find what the market prices for these phones are ie what people are willing to pay. When someone is clearly trying to make me believe that the market price is much lower than it really is this is what throws me off. Only momentarily, because as other more realistic offers come in I begin to realise the item's true worth. Of course, I acknowledge I'm partially to blame for not keeping an eye out on prices. I don't really think I'm fleecing when several people offer me very high prices than historically seen. Eg. HF-1 they sold originally for USD$200 was it? Now it's nearly twice that because that's what the market will pay, and if the market today will pay substantially more than it did previously, I don't consider that fleecing, I consider that the new market value. And that's what I set out to investigate.
  21. dc

    headphone going rates

    LOL kpeezy you know after I made the post I decided I'd double check if you were an active member of this forum and sure enough you were I decided not to name you for obvious reasons... but you've done that yourself now hehehe I did reply to your PMs! Well in either case, the HF-1s sold for USD$465 and the K501s are pending payment for AUD$165 or ~USD$140. Both of which I'm happy with.
  22. dc

    headphone going rates

    yes, but it's so much more hassle than its worth + extra cost of shipping to the USA from Australia is prohibitive for just pads thanks, I'm hoping about this much considering all the accessories it comes with. Yeah I only paid that much for them. It seems people on head-fi are willing to pay much more for them, and I am using that as a basis. I just got an offer for USD$200 shipped o_O I wasn't sure if he was serious... but yeah I think if you can source them and re-sell them for gain why not? It seems some people aren't smart enough... yet.
  23. dc

    headphone going rates

    wisdom duly noted. yeah, i always assumed they'd start the ball rolling. eh, guess it's a problem, i like buying but don't know how to sell. now i've accumulated all these phones...
  24. dc

    headphone going rates

    Yeah, maybe you guys can clear me up on something I pretty clearly put PM/email me offers in my posting. However... every single person has asked me how much I want them to pay? I thought they were supposed to tell me what they were willing to pay? Do I seem like that much of an exploitable newb? (maybe I don't want the answer to this one)
  25. dc

    headphone going rates

    ok i'm definitely getting played by this one dude the same guy that told me K501s aren't worth more than $110 is also telling me that the HF-1s are worth $250
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