I was checking my second order to Mouser (last one) and verifying everything, I discovered that all my LT1021 are 7v instead of 10v (GR78xx, GR79xx and T2)
Should I replace them with 10V one or I can let them ? I will have to change only R2=2.29K to get 15V
I have a little question, to determine the regulated voltage for GRHV.
The formula is Vout = ((R8 +R9 + R10)/R7 + 1) * Vref.
I have a doubt should I use A or B ?
A- ( ( (R8 + R9 + R10) / (R7 + 1) ) * Vref
B- ( ( (R8 + R9 + R10) / R7 ) + 1 ) * Vref
I have just discovered this thread and I'm very interested to build this project but I'm not able to download any of the links provided here. Where I can get the PCB ?