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Everything posted by Oneguy
Just subbed and thanks for creating this @ericj . Will follow your lead when I get the time or when mine starts to show its age. No issue now though.
I feel the same way. I buttoned it up after the glue and zip tie. If I eventually remember when I get back home, I may see how well it bonded and remove the zip tie but I am in no rush since it’s working without issues.
Exact same issue on one of my SRA-3S slots. I used a zip and superglue as well. If I remember correctly there was also evidence of foam on the top lid that I assume was used to keep them in place. I wasn’t sure if this was like that from the factory or something another user added in along the way. Did yours have evidence of foam being glued to the lid where the cards are? Good find on the replacement slot.
ES-2a (Stax cable) Early bird pricing: 15,390 HKD - 1,977 USD (today’s conversion rate) Regular pricing: 17,100 HKD - 2,197 USD (today’s conversion rate) EX-1a (Stax sable) Early bird pricing: 7,520 HKD - 966 USD (today’s conversion rate) Regular pricing: 9,400 HKD - 1,208 USD (today’s conversion rate) The Stax cable option is the more expensive of the cable options.
Pretty sure just the SRA-4S, SRA-6S, SRD-1, SRD-2. Stax later made the SRA-7S and SRD-3 but based on when they were released they were probably geared more towards the higher bias SR-1.
That sucks. I have a used one inbound that I’m hoping withstands the teething phase and proves reliable. I think yours may be the first fault I have heard of with this new line. Good luck.
How would these rank compared to the Lambda Signature or Lambda Nova Signature in terms of sound?
I was investigating buying a set but the lack of warranty support to the U.S. has made me think otherwise. I have a 50/50 track record with estat headphones from smaller companies arriving without issue the first time.
Finally found more info on them: http://statex.pro
Not Stax but random estat find https://www.ebay.com/itm/135043673309?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=LZnLr4yOQj2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=QllYj8wxQKG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY never seen those before.
The ED-5 arrived today along with the SR-5NB. I went with the SR-5NB at @padam’s suggestion. The biggest operational difference between the ED-1 and ED-5 is that the power button has to be on for the ED-1 to pass music through it. It sounds like a relay is clicking over after the power button is pressed. With the ED-5 that’s not the case. No power button, just a two position rotary knob to turn the equalizer on and off. Sound signal is passed through 100% of the time.
Yep, they use the same chassis. That’s kind of what I thought based on the looks but the RCA in/out doesn’t tap into the SRD-6 directly. So I guess the intent was then to place the ED-5 between the pre-amp and speaker amp? That would allow for coloration by the speaker amp and not getting the diffuse field presentation correct but if that’s the engineer and production route they chose then so be it. The other theory would be that they had a bunch of leftover SRD-6 chassis and the ED-5 was a side project that they put together where they decided to use those SRD-6 chassis to reduce the production costs.
@John BuchananI just got ED-1 plugged in with the Lambda Signature. I’m liking the diffuse field turned on a lot. Now I know what you’ve been enjoying all these years. I know it’s nitpicking but I wish the Pro had the same color print as the ED-1. As far as I know only the P.P. has the color print to match. I found and ED-5 that was supposed to ship yesterday. Figured I’d give that a shot as well. Any idea what was the intended amp pairing for the ED-5?
I’ve seen your posts on that and the Sigmas. Very informative and part of the reason I am on the hunt for both.
Low and behold: https://www.ebay.com/itm/176119962594?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=FQLsTZJcQ4u&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=QllYj8wxQKG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Yes the ED-1 is quite the unicorn. Despite its age I don’t think I’ve seen it for less than €800-1000 recently on hifishark. EDIT: except for the one at the uncharacteristically low price. Seems too good to be true Thanks for making me aware of the ED-5. I haven’t gone down the pre-lambda SR’s rabbit hole yet but I’ll have to remember that since the Stax history page doesn’t mention it.
Funny this should come up. I’ve actually been looking for an ED-1 just to try out since I recently acquired an SR-Sigma. From what I understand, not many were sold. I’ve been on a vintage Lambda quest recently.
Meh, I’ll still keep listening to my 30 year old Omegas…unless they want to open up the Omega production line again…
Somebody get this man an urban dictionary! Lol
Well here and Britain
Didn’t realize “Hope Audeze gets their budget in the stronger currency. That used to be dollars, but these days the dollar ain’t shit.” was intended as sarcasm. Hard to read tone through a screen.
What are you talking about? The dollar is swinging strong against the Yen and Yuan and just came off of parity with the Euro and almost parity with the Pound.
Just looking at that hurts
My early impressions of the Perun Rock: https://www.head-fi.org/threads/perun-electrostatic-headphone-impressions.872273/post-17156919 I had to send them back due to a driver issue but I look forward to getting them back on my head.