Hi All,
Firstly, the hard part............. My name's Steve, I'm 50, and I Know Nothing About HiFI.
There, I said it, I admit it wasn't easy, but I feel better for getting it out in the open
I've had a set of HD650's for over 15 years - which I really like, but I've recently started to think they're sounding a bit tired. They get used every day, and for long periods at weekends and holidays.
They are coupled to an original Schiit Asgard amp (serial number somewhere in the 700's), and a Bifrost DAC from the same period. They are connected via optical cable to my computer, and fed flacs.
I listen to all types of music - (both country and western - j/k) - except classical and rap. Everything from Alicia Keyes to Alice in Chains, Macy Grey to Motorhead and Pete Tong to The Platters.
About 10 years ago my Wife bought me a set of Grado 325i's - which I've hated from day one. I didn't get rid of them because neither of us has ever earned a great deal, and the cans were the first bit of expensive (to us) audio gear she bought me, so they have sentimental value.
Every 12 months or so she remarks that I don't listen to them much anymore - so I dig them out for a few weeks and I try really hard to like them. I fiddle with audio eq profiles, read about mods. sacrifice small animals to the audio gods....... but I still hate them, they make my ears hurt. They actually do have lovely bass and an airy sound, but its covered up by that horrible upfront midrange. EQ'ing the midrange back abit just means you lose the 'airyness', and they sound......dirty?
So, I've been quietly putting a few quid away here and there, and at the moment have around £1200 to upgrade my kit. I figure that my last upgrade was around 15 years ago, so if this upgrade lasts 20 years, at that point I'll be beyond caring about hifi (haha). With that in mind, it's likely to be my last upgrade, so I want it to be a good one.
I'm in no rush to buy, I can keep saving and its my big 5-0 in a few months, so the family will want to buy me something nice (I need time to drop them hints though )
I'm asking for advice because up until this point I was simply looking at the most expensive kit I could realistically afford - maybe Sen800's and something costly from Schiit or Lehmann - but after reading the thread on here about the build quility of the new Schiit units I realise whatever limited knowledge I had is massively out of date.
I'm toying with the idea of buying a better amp (would the bifrost still be ok as a dac?), that would hopefully make the Grado's sound better, and then upgrade the cans a few months down the line - is that sensible? Or am I flogging a dead Grado shaped horse and I should just get a new amp & phones in one go?
Any thoughts you might have would be really, really appreciated.
Thanks for taking the time to read this