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Everything posted by kpeezy

  1. Thanks for doing another round, I plan on getting at least 4 x GRLV6 combined boards.
  2. Thanks, I'm going to get the LT1021-10 and just leave that component out of the mouser project list.
  3. I was creating a Mouser parts order to go with the GRLV6 board that was in the recent group buy thread and I was hoping someone could check through it for me. It doesn't have all the terminal blocks etc but I think it has most of what is needed to populate the board. Please let me know if you see something wrong with it. https://www.mouser.com/ProjectManager/ProjectDetail.aspx?State=EDIT&ProjectGUID=093d8820-8d94-4ded-98e3-f79c119a070b It's missing the voltage reference since I couldn't find the LT1021-10 on Mouser. Would it be fine to substitute this TI voltage reference to make it more complete? http://www.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?R=REF102BPvirtualkey59500000virtualkey595-REF102BP edit: also, hello everyone it's been a long time
  4. PS: I'm not really sure what the B22 can handle if that's going to be the amplifier. The KEF stuff isn't very efficient.
  5. I've always wanted to use the Silverline Audio Minuet for a desktop setup but the used value is too high for the most part. If you could find a good deal they could work out well. I've also thought about the older KEF monitors. I've always wanted to hear them and there are multiple models that I think would work in a desktop configuration. KEF Model 102 Reference Speakers - eBay (item 260694003704 end time Jan-15-11 10:53:49 PST) That's not a great deal per se but good deals on KEF items seem to come up pretty frequently.
  6. how loud it get
  7. Amphion Helium2s. Just got them yesterday and I'm looking for ~3 inch stands for the desktop.
  8. He thinks that the design...
  9. In case it wasn't clear, he doesn't think that the design of the amp (whatever that entails) is too standardized to be the major factor.
  10. "There is no innovation in stereo amp design in a sense that there isn't any room for it, its based on an hi quality op amp chip that takes and input signal and outputs an amplified signal, the basic formula is still the same in every amp the difference is the ratio of resistors and caps and inductors used (value ratio which influences RC and LC constants in the cir), quality of components and the op amp chip" That is a quote from a local friend. We were discussing the Eico HF-81. He basically doesn't understand how an amp with bad measurements could sound good. Basically, what is truly important in the sound of an amp? I'm not into this side of the hobby but I'm sure there are people here who can answer this (and I'm tired of being asked technical things ).
  11. Spikes have made a big difference on carpet for me with both my Hales and my Castle floorstanders. What about something that's not threaded? Link Would something like that (not necessarily wood) with sorbothane pads on top work? edit: If you're needing to use the threading to adjust the height of the four corners of the speakers then this won't work.
  12. Ah that is the absolute best version of the PS3. BTW - PS3 Media Server lets you stream FLAC to the PS3 as well. I'm not sure about the how of it though so I don't know if it's degrading it.
  13. Use PS3 Media Server (if you're streaming from PC; if you have songs on the hdd then I'm not sure (move them )). The program shows up in the main list under Video, Audio, etc. You select it and it takes you into whatever folder structure you have setup on the PC. Perfect as long as you keep your folders organized like I do. It has really good codec support too... better than any other software I've tried. edit: Only problem I've run into is that it has to buffer each song before it plays. I usually have a 2 or 3 second gap between songs. So, no gapless playback. It might be better if you're not on wireless. Did you get a slim?
  14. Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy This song is way too good.
  15. Definitely get the i7 920 instead of the 950. Also, that video card definitely is overkill. It's great, but you could get a Radeon 4870 and it would STILL be overkill while costing $200 less. Make sure the video card will fit in your case. edit: sweet deal btw - http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0302727
  16. Different strokes for people with bad taste . Jokes, jokes, but I do prefer Rocky Patel 90s and 92s, Camacho Triple Maduro, Padron Anniversary, Opus X, etc. I'd take any of those and many others over a VSG without hesitation. I just think VSGs are a boring smoke (last two I had were Wizards). edit: Really? Man, I used to love Dunhill 965 when I used to smoke pipes.
  17. I wasn't too impressed with the Ashton VSGs I've had. They're not bad, but they're too expensive for what they are. There are plenty of cheaper cigars I'd choose over a VSG, regardless of price.
  18. We have some pretty decent Guilty Gear and Marvel vs Capcom players here in Oklahoma. It keeps me from playing. Super Smash Bros has the best competitive scene of any fighting game here. None of you guys play it?
  19. Really love Super Smash Bros... I love the sort of ring out concept. I'd like to get into other fighting games but they don't appeal to me as much. Going to try SF4.
  20. Yeah, I tried Sextetts with a few portable amps and even desktop amps. They're pretty demanding. Nothing really worked except my NAD C320BEE oddly enough. Basically, get some KSC35s. I think they do vocals really well and that is my favorite part about the Sextetts. I'm sure you'll like them for portable use.
  21. Any word on a DAC only Pico? I'm in need of a USB dac as well.
  22. I really like that Franziskaner with the red label.
  23. I was thinking about buying that myself. I found a Mcintosh MA6200 the other day locally for $400. I'm going to give it a shot if I can.
  24. Yeah, after all the shipping hassle you would just better off with your friend's pair. Would he let you borrow them for a couple of days so you have some time to get used to them and mess around with placement?
  25. You can get VR-1s a lot cheaper than that. There is a brand new pair on agon right now for $700 and I know I've seen them cheaper used.
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