I have had similar positive experience. Bought Yggy new, added GEN5 USB, added new analog board, use quality USB cable and quality electronics. I can’t imagine ANYTHING sounding better. I agree, customer service has been spotty but overall I am very pleased with Schiit and the Yggy.
Thanks jp11801. I saw the self install instructions posted and other than the screws it did seem straightforward but quite a long procedure. How long did it take you to do and did you run into any difficult situations?
How long are people waiting to get notification Schiit is ready for factory installed gen5? I think it's been a couple of weeks since I have ordered but haven't heard anything yet. I am curious to try it with my microrendu 1.3 with the isoregen powered by Lps-1. The isoregen made a clear improvement for me but if unneeded with gen5 upgrade I will sell. Still thinking about a 1.4 upgrade or ultrarendu but waiting to hear from others that have tried it.