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Everything posted by Nenso

  1. BTW I created a sick and unique build.. it works great. (I couldn't edit the above post.. forgive me for double posting) I'll try to explain.. I dub it. BATTLE MAIDEN! Hero: Crystal Maiden The point of this build is simple. Do not play maiden as a spellcaster. Simply utilize her skills to your advantage by disabling your enemy. For example, at the start of the game, iceblock any unfortunate hero who wanders into your range and immediately attack it until they escape. This will pretty much lower their hp by 15-40% depending on their items/hero. Repeat a few times and they have to heal and leave the lane all to you for farming and leveling up. If they get nice counter items such as potions or massive hp regeneration, then I suggest just sitting back and harassing without getting hit (this is where the ring of r comes in handy.) I got tired of people who rush a magic resist hood with +8 hp regen at the start when they see Jaina on the other team. Hopefully this build will be able to kill those people easier. The way to fight is to damage them. Rush into a battle by iceblocking one hero, attack then, and just before the stun ends, use frost nova (only level 1 is needed) for the sole purpose of slowing them down and attack more. When ultimate is up, frost nova an unsuspecting hero, run beside them, iceblock + silence using orchid (which amplifies damage by 20%) and use freezing field. The reason this is ultra effective even if they get the 30% magic resist hood is because orchid negates that bonus resist. If they try to run, you should have enough mana to iceblock dps/damage them to death and frost nova if they try to run. Basher on a CM? Most people think I'm retarded for going that but with an orchid, the stuns come in handy. Early game items (this is pretty much personal preference) Ring of B: Stacks with mana regen aura Ring of Regeneration: very important, allows Maiden to stay in one lane without ever healing Gloves of haste/Boots/Giant belt of str/Treads recipe: in that order. Gloves for attacking faster when your enemy when they are stunned.. great for early harassing and first blood acquiring Ironbark Branch: This branch "ensures a GG," what other reason do you need? XD When you get these, start working your way for an orchid. Gradually work your way towards these few items. 1 Treads 2 Orchid 3 Shiva 4 Scepter (if you want, normally I don't get it and keep my ring of b. for its mana regen) 5 Basher 6 Buriza Skills: 1 Ice block 2 Brill aura 3 Ice block 4 Brill aura 5 Brill aura 6 Freezing field 7 Brill aura 8 Ice block 9 Ice block 10 Frost nova 11 - 15 stats 16 Freezing field 17 Frost nova 18 Frost nova 19+ stats. Ok I'm not sure why I just typed all this but this is my favourite build and it is both surprising and unique.
  2. omg.. someone registered Abbadon.. please don't play Death Knight when we play LOL
  3. all uswest? >_< I play on useast
  4. It means that the AT amp is pretty bad. Thanks!
  5. Nenso

    New AKG K702

    So K701>K702 in price : performance ratio?
  6. Wow this pico is REALLY GOOD. I'm not kidding because it brought out the characteristics of my headphones that I had a really hard time hearing out with my AT amp. Yes the Pico obliterates the AT amp I'm bad at describing sound but if I had to, I'd say the AT DAC/amp does the job of providing the digital to analog conversion and that is all. AT Amp: It is pretty muddy overall and when I listen to more complicated tracks, different guitars sound identical and the lower range like the kick drums and bass are more similar sounding. In hindsight, I realized I couldn't hear a lot of things with it. I don't think this amp is worthy enough to drive my headphones because it simply did the job of providing a DAC but has a horrible amp. Pico: I heard things I never knew were in the music. I felt that my rig really deserves something better than the AT amp and the Pico really lives up to its reputation. I'm not exaggerating when I say that my headphones have transformed after I started using the Pico because prior to this they didn't sound so great compared to now. <note: forgive me for my grammar, I typed this in a hurry> Offtopic: Fungi BTW thanks a lot man for your computer suggestions, I picked up 2 Smart Drives in the official retailers in akiba and they work great.
  7. haha, sure btw more pics! Compared with my NDS SIDEVIEW
  8. Yeah! I thought black/red would look nice but I never knew it would turn out so nice. Thanks ^()^
  9. Mine arrived a few days ago. BEST COLOUR EVER!
  10. So did you find a solution to the optical/coax to USB? *patiently waits for my Pico* I too would like to avoid using USB and use optical digital instead \
  11. haha it is the other way around for me. I think windows/settings etc is more important so I put it on the raptor. I leave the gaming stuff for the raid0 and extra storage is for music (backuped) because I can always reinstall games while windows is more of a hassle.
  12. I think I know what you mean with storage but I think it helps me load games faster and I just store music, etc on it since it is space unused. I backup all my music on the 500gb so it is safe. Smart Drives! Wow I would've never discovered these if you didn't tell me. Let me know if there are other nice products like this that isn't mainstream outside of Japan. Since I'm going to ?? in a month or so, I will stop by Akiba and see what I can get. What else do you reccomend? (any products that you think is pretty unique and nice)
  13. Here I'll break it down for you. Raptor: OS, main programs like microsoft office, etc etc.. safe programs that are important and used a lot. RAID 0: Warcraft 3, anime, music, more games, lots of FLAC, ALAC, etc.. its basically all the programs that can easily be reinstalled. Lone 500gb: backup for some program file stuff like WAR3 maps, music, anime, etc.. but not all. Basically I dump all the stuff that may be considered trash on my RAID 0 and backup the files I want on this. Fungi I'm looking into it right now. My plans are to buy Accelero S1 + maybe a 120mm fan strapped on it or the turbo (which one will give better cooling? and fits better?) Thermalright HR-05 (SLI) chipset cooling, as well as the Bolt-thru Kit Please help, what is the diff between the normal one and the SLI one. My motherboard Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 should be able to use the non-SLI HR-05 (normal one, not IFX) and bolt-thru kit is for the ULTRA-120 (I decided to pick the 120) CPU heatsink right?? I see three bolt-thru kits that works, is there one that you suggest? Link here --> http://www.ncix.com/search/?q=bolt-thru&minprice=Min.+Price&maxprice=Max.+Price Also for the VRAM heatsinks, I took a look but I have no idea what you mean. Could you find me a product please? Quiet harddrive enclosures, sounds like a good idea. Is there one that you suggest or are they all pretty much the same? I'm sorry for bombarding you guys with questions but it really helps someone inexperienced like me a lot! Thanks, -Nenso
  14. I got someone to help me build this computer (my first custom) and he picked most of the cooling/cables etc parts since I have no experience. I only know about harddrives and gpu/cpu/mb etc but now I think I'll try to DIY this. Thanks for all the great suggestions Fungi, I'm going to see what I can do with the cables but they don't move in any further. Is it because they're too short or something? Also for harddrives. There are 2 disk trays, the very bottom tray has 3x 500gb 7200RPM harddrives. Two of these are in a RAID 0 array forming a 1000gb RAID 0 (split into 2 partitions, 1 for programs and 1 for file storage.) The third harddrive is 500gb for some important file backups. The tray above this one has 1x 150GB 10000RPM Raptor harddrive (my operating system is installed on this) from Western Digital. It is the main source of noise I believe, including my mini fan over the stock NB heatsink. The guy told me that the fan will help with overclocking a bit but it makes a lot of noise (I don't mind it if its the harddrive. What I'm saying is that is I want to minimize noise for the maximum amount of cooling under those circumstances. My case fans in the back/top are both 120mm but I would have to ask what they are, including other fans like the Coolermaster one. Today I'm heading to the computer store and I'll check if they have any of the parts, etc. Thanks again, -Nenso
  15. They announced this like 4-5 hours ago that there is going to be a new Eee PC, 9-inch (8.9) monitor with 12GB storage!
  16. I think Obama's site is way better than Hillary's. See for yourself! http://www.barackobama.com/index.php http://hillaryclinton.com/ At first I didn't really care about American politics but I decided to take a look and see if I could learn something. Obama's site turned out to be much easier to navigate in and more comfortable for the eyes. I could easily find out what Obama clearly stood for while I had no clue what Hillary wanted to do without reading a huge block of text. Disclaimer: I am in no way connected to either politicians or am I trying to promote them. I just found it quite interesting.
  17. Happy birthday! have a great one!
  18. http://www.flickr.com/photos/24328473@N03/ Heres the Flickr I made, I tried to upload it on imageshack but it shrinks the images. Talking to some people made me realize that it might not be the fans, but the harddrives. However, other than noise there is a problem with running my fans on low speed is that it gradually gets warm and hot in there. Do you guys think there is room for a heatsink? and for GPU only? What about my CPU? thanks
  19. It should be pretty easy, last year (or two years ago) four grade 12 girls from my school and another one from some other school went and climbed it with some teachers. My school organized the trip and it doesn't seem to be that hard compared to Everest.
  20. It would be a great accomplishment if anyone climbed it, then again I keep hearing stories of how people who climb it are getting frozen and left behind. I don't think I'd like that to happen to me..
  21. Nenso

    slow forum

    Don't worry buddy, you'll only see those vans in China.
  22. We have a "post the last thing you bought" thread but nothing like this! I'll start. CDs!
  23. Nenso

    slow forum

    ????? 4 meteors/stars flying --> ????? 4 meteors/stars flying <-- ]{ 4 2 u 2 4 K A R U R A Hehe, got it now? Now translation please!
  24. Nenso

    slow forum

    What, are you stranded or something? English please!
  25. Today I finally went and bought new RAM to replace my 1GBx4 Corsair 800MHz ram with 2GBx2 G.SKILL 1066MHz ram! While waiting to be serviced at the store, I looked around and also picked up a new mouse to replace my old faulty Razer that died from overuse. Before I thought Corsair's RAMs were good, but I must say that the G.SKILLs have a very nice build quality and it is working fine so far. Only time will tell whether or not the RAM will withstand some overclocking.
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