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Everything posted by Nenso

  1. thanks guys, ill take a look
  2. I've been thinking about getting a PS3 for the longest time. I even went to line up with those 3 day campers but had no luck. I was about to blow my money on the Gunmetal one but then I saw it was only 40GB. Did Sony really have to make such a great limited edition item pretty much useless? Not only that but Sony also took out the PS2 processor from the top-end model of the PS3, the 80GB and replaced it with a lousy emulator. I'd rather buy the 60GB one if I still had a chance but I don't think it is wise to buy a PS3 without warrentee. Does anyone know if the 80GB have any problems with PS2 compatibility?
  3. I don't think there are any Vancouver ppl but I would like to hear new gear! I might as well try to get some veteran Vancouver meet host from Head-fi to do an IC there and organize one but I was wondering if anyone here is interested.
  4. Honestly I've looked at both of these cards and I have a general sense of what these cards are. 9800GX2 is like 2x of those G92 8800GTS 512MB video cards but inside one enclosure. GTX280? The newest card for like $500-600. Recently my G80 8800GTS 640MB has been acting weird, over heating (over heated for the first time during one hot day when I had a BBQ and left the computer on in a closed room which was a bad idea) and weird things has happened to my computer like screen messing up and not receiving signals from my GPU or something. The problem is once I buy a newer card, I would probably have to upgrade my 600W power supply which would be irritating but this isn't the crux of the problem. I don't know what to do with my computer anymore. It is like a fricken leafblower/mass 2.65TB storage/heater/fan (5 fans)/music listening/anime/gaming hybrid beast that is hard to maintain. Here's the question. Should I upgrade my videocards? I don't want to tread on uncharted waters so I'm sticking with nVidia, not ATi. Is it better to wait for a "real" upgrade since the new video card's are like rebadged 8800's? Edit: BTW I'm not a hardcore gamer. I play lots of low requirement games like Warcraft 3 and WoW. I just want a silent and nice card. I heard the new cards compared to my G80 8800GTS have better performance and less noise/heat.
  5. off topic but OMG we have the same monitors! 226CW here (same as 226BW.. except made in samsung factories) hmm maybe I should start thinking about speakers
  6. TDA is pretty stupid haha. My friend gave me an icon account and we played TDA 6-7 times and it wasn't that great. I don't get what is so great about TDA. You still get leavers, and retards. Almost every game I've been in had a morphling rushing heart/butterfly and an averus taking advantage of his spells. The players aren't necessarily great either, they just need an icon to play and I bet many others borrow accounts too like me. War3x ladder is hard... I'm no good at ladder but I had free lessons from a Rank 1 Random Teams 3v3 USWEST, a good friend of mine, haha but now I completely forgot how to play. KOTG + entangle + huntress rush... pray they don't counter me and start making chims. that's about it. Haha SC:BW... War3x is all about micro but SC is easier. I lost all my SC skills but I guess I was somewhat decent when I was 7 years old lol since I was pretty much playing SC or Runescape at home on my pentium 1 beige-coloured computer and at school every day. Speaking of SC, anyone want to play? Last time I played with hydrocity and I got owned. >_<
  8. The most hilarious heros are probably Lanaya and Techies. I've played too many 5v5 games where I sit in the river in mid lane until im level 5. Once I hit level 5 with my 150dmg meld attack, I target the nearest unsuspecting hero twice and that is immediately 2*(BASE DMG+150) within 3 seconds. Of course this doesn't always work if they get tanks, etc but with weak heros like kitty or lion, it is hilarious to play. Techies is just.. sit back and watch the enemy push and later.. D... TRIPLE KILL!... etc
  9. that asus soundcard seems very suspicious.. hmm I don't really trust these "overclock" "computer hardware" etc.. reviewers >_<
  10. Fungi!! Anyone know what's so new about this? SE-200PCI LTD All I know is that it is similar to the SE-200PCI and it is limited edition.
  11. Nenso

    Diablo 3

    Haha after watching the gameplay trailer three times (showed it to some friends,) I must say I really enjoy the narrating. "I'm sure this chest is filled with treasure, not some kind of insidious trap!" *clicks on the chest and triggers 4 traps* "I'm sure they'll (the guards) will lead a healthy and long life as your sidekick. Nothing bad is going to happen to them!" and the occsional "MASSIVE DAMAGE" that is probably referencing that Sony press conference at E3 about some crab dealing "massive damage."
  12. Nenso

    Diablo 3

    I think Blizzard's motto should be "Great Games, Dragging Delays!" I'm not sure when this is comming out but I'm sure it is probably going to be around 2013.
  13. Nenso


  14. Nenso

    Diablo 3

    oh sh-t i mean they released the information that they were working on it
  15. Nenso

    Diablo 3

    Yesterday, they had a teaser up on their site. They had a frozen iceblock with some HEL rune markings in it, etc and once I saw it I was like OMG! And today they released it! I watched all the trailers and I can't wait. I anticipate this game more than SC2.
  16. lol, what if someone steals that cart if he parks it somewhere?
  17. Haha I know I'm late but wow I remember these from the time when ALO advertised them on Ken's old domain. They look nice but has anyone tried it yet?
  18. Wow, this shows how bad cable internet in Vancouver is. $40/month for 10mb/s download, 1mb/s upload. The only cable better is 25mb/s which is like $99/month. Hey! Atleast they're giving me more than they say they would. I do have awesome ping though. lol
  19. From reading the WTB: PS1 thread, I did a little research and found out that people like the sound from the PS1. I even found this... Dynavox Dynastation Dynavox Dynastation 2 Is it me or is this rediculous? A $6000 CDP based on the PS1 system? Does anything justify the price? What is so appealing about the PS1 sound anyways? pic of the dynastation
  20. Nenso

    New AKG K702

    Are these cans heavy?
  21. Hmm, I see.. I'll try to make things clearer next time.
  22. Good idea with the MKB. I have Ice block and brill aura because without brill aura I wouldn't be able to stun as much as I would like. With brill aura, I can stun every time the cooldown for iceblock ends and it allows me to harass better. I just tried MKB and it works better than basher. Bashers don't stun as much as I would like with only 10%. Another great item is Skadi near end game. I played an antimage using my battle maiden and won it early when I was level 22 and he was only level 17. My USEAST name is Karura. USWEST = I used to play but not anymore.
  23. Nenso

    Creaky W5ky

    I think cheap ATs like my A700 (and probably the A900 as well) are great because their build quality is top notch and are pretty comfortable for me. Addtionally, the sound is pretty good. I got 3 pairs of AT and the only pair that actually squeaks a lot is my A700, but that has gone away with time.
  24. will we be getting buttons that do etc? I don't remember all the codes so it is pretty difficult to do some things. Let me know if it is actually there because I do not see it.
  25. Nenso

    Creaky W5ky

    Didn't you know? It's part of the AT sound signature. XD
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