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Everything posted by Nenso

  1. Is that Duggeh? lol.
  2. Nenso

    DotA thread

    Those games are all hosted by the same person/clan/server and they use bots to mass-host games. Chances are, you either don't like you, you were downloading the map, or banned you for leaving. If you just made a new account, then I don't know what went wrong.
  3. I've been waiting for the right time to purchase an iPod Touch. I hope they'll release something new on monday.
  4. I'm in Canada, so 30 day trial is probably out of the question due to the tariffs/shipping I would have to pay. I bought MS-1 as my first open headphone, then a SR325 as an upgrade, and sometime ago, a friend randomly gifted me his SR60s. Heh, that's why I have both the MS-1s and SR60. I dislike my SR325's harsh treble. Although it is very detailed with bowls, it is very fatiguing and unbearable. Does the HF-2 have a similar harshness found with some of the Grados? I really wish I could hear them before buying, but I don't think I have such a luxury.
  5. I thought they were once again making wooden boxes to pack headphones like they did with the vintage RS1s, IIRC, for no extra charge.
  6. They're not packing the HF-2s in a nice wooden box?
  7. Congrats boomana and nice job Nate. Those really look good.
  8. Hey guys, I haven't posted here in a while but I was lured back here by the HF-2. I just spent some time reading the whole thread, so I am thinking of jumping on the bandwagon to use it with my Pico; however, I wasn't sure if I needed another Grado. Some people say they don't sound like Grados at all yet others keep saying "It's still a Grado." I already have the SR325 (first generation), SR60 and MS-1 so would this complement them or be an improvement? I believe I still have some time to think this over before preorders end, so please give me some insight.
  9. Well if you're serious about this, you can learn how to bid using a deputy service in 1-2 hours. I haven't used this specific service before, but this is probably your best bet. https://www.japanauctioncenter.com There might be another deputy service that will be slightly cheaper, but they all pretty much charge around 10% (exluding shipping to you, etc) or something for commission. Be sure to read their fees. I believe they require you to deposit some money via paypal before you can bid that amount. https://www.japanauctioncenter.com/view2.php?seturl=http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n74911808 https://www.japanauctioncenter.com/view2.php?seturl=http://page7.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/g77603013 You have exactly an hour for the ATH-A900ti now, and slightly more time for the ESW10JPN.
  10. For anyone interested, here are the two links for the pretty good deals. Both headphones are brand new and sold by different sellers. The ESW10JPN has been sitting in the guy's house for 2 months and he claims to have not opened the box yet. ATH-ESW10JPN Yahoo!??? - audio-technica ATH-ESW10JPN ??? Current bid: 32000yen ATH-A900ti Yahoo!??? - ??????? - ATH-A900Ti - ? Current bid: 20010yen After doing some calculations, I've decided that this might not be a good time to purchase these, despite the great deals, simply because the yen is still too strong and the canadian dollar is too weak. Now I feel pretty silly because I was going to wait and bid on these cans. Act now. Auctions ending in 1-2 hours.
  11. Sorry, I mostly meant the ATH-A900ti. So far I've only seen one thread about it on the other site. I see one for a great deal that is ending soon on yahoo.co.jp so I wanted to know if it was worth purchasing.
  12. Has anyone heard the ESW10JPN and the ATH-A900ti? I was wondering if they're any good for their price, or are they atleast worth buying for their SQ?
  13. Was that his original picture?
  14. It would be nice if someone could give me some suggestions tonight, because hopefully I can pick it up tomorrow when I go to the comp shop. Thanks!
  15. Ok guys, before you all start reccomending things, I'll go over what I'm looking for after researching for the past two weeks. I need 1x PCI-E 6-pin and 1x PCI-E 8-pin connectors, and these connectors are usually exclusive to 600W+ PSUs. I've decided to go for more power than I need, this way I have room for upgrades in the future. Initially I looked at the Corsair 1000W psu. Seems alright, but then the Silverstone PSUs caught my eyes. Newegg.com - 901 - 1000W, Power Supplies, Silverstone There are 3 listed here. I do not understand the benefits/difference of each. I understand that some are single rails, and some are dual rails, and they all have pretty large fans. What makes them different from each other? And are these better than the Corsair? Thanks.
  16. I can't wait to hear what Boomana has to saw about these woodies
  17. I wish I had read a thread like this a few years ago. WTS Tomahawk + ALO Jumbo Cyro. PST
  18. I just read the Red Wine Audio website because I was curious about what they are selling these days and I came across this. Red Wine Audio iMod LOL? *may*... they're pretty tricky. I almost didn't catch that.
  19. Wow, the ATH-A700s are still overpriced in NA. I bought them in Japan, not onsale for around 12500 yen, 3 years ago.
  20. ok thanks guys, ill look into it. is Corsair really that good? I don't want to be sheep and follow people to buy something that isn't really that great, and is overhyped.
  21. woah, thats like 18k yen less.. the pricing now seems much better
  22. oh shi-, I should stop using my ALO splitter.
  23. Happy Birthday people! Have a great one.
  24. I went ahead and got a XFX GeForce 9800 GX2 Black Edition last week, but I discovered that I needed 1x 8-pin PCI-E connector and 1x 6-pin PCI-E connector to power this card. I'm not sure what type of PSU would be good. I have a 620W not-so-good PSU right now, and it's a single rail old design one (I have no idea what I'm talking about, I showed it to someone and they told me this rail thing.) Any recommendation for what PSU to get? I'm running 4 HDDs, but that is no problem because most of the newer PSUs have more than enough connectors. Does this look like a good PSU to purchase? Antec - Signature 850 or the 650W version... Antec - Signature 650 Please keep in mind that my GFX uses a lot of power. Thanks.
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