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Everything posted by Nenso

  1. oh "formative" sorry man i missed that word when i read it lol
  2. LOL.. thats such a.. .. hippie bus? omg .. nice XD
  3. heh, take a photo another day if u want.. I really liked this color cause its calm.. now.. my first floor washroom is like.. dark red.. I'm used to it now but at first I thought it was .. too much lol
  4. Thanks It's the colour of my room.. i chose it so it would be kinda like a forest-leaf green feel or something.. so it would be soothing.. lol not really. but basically I liked that idea and picked a nice leaf-green colour I liked on the paint colour sheet last year when my house got a new paint job. Avocado? never thought about it that way.. forgot the name of it.. its a nice light shade of green
  5. hopefully I'll sleep soon.. i got new CDs.. so I'm listening to music non-stop lol.. wow... i just noticed.. EdipisReks you have 10k+ posts.. congrats lol
  6. Fine fine.. I'll contribute too.. my stand for now.. until my legit ones come don't blame my camera for the bad photos.. its my skills (or lack of..) >.<
  7. I'm deciding colours before i order.. what u guys think.. Black plate, silver body, silver volume knob?
  8. Thanks for the advice.. I guess I only bike a few times a week, not everyday... I don't really like drinking energy drinks/coffee unless I really have to.. which is almost never.. cause to me.. I think of it as "borrowing energy".. One gains energy temporary; however, once the effects wear off.. the person has to pay the "interest fee" for borrowing that energy which makes one ultra tired etc.. not fun.. lol About studying.. it was only for a week.. >.< I don't really need to pull allnighters for studying.. its just that I didn't sleep until pretty late during that time
  9. imo.. ATH-As are like.. comfy and heavy.. thats all I can say.. the M40s or w/e they're called seem so bad and overrated by ppl. ATH-A/ATH-Ws are the gems of AT. Maybe the ATH-L3000 too, I tried almost all ATH-A series but never tried the ATH-L3000s.
  10. LOL YEA RIGHT.. wtf messed up story lol.. leave me alone.. just saying..I'm a good kid ok? "You are actually a... Star" Hydrocity: hmm, talking about urself? lol Also.. i don't take drugs wtf.. and I swim, walk, bike around my neighbourhood for no reason sometimes.... etc.. and I don't even live in downtown.. plus it isnt that scary in Vancouver.. its such a peaceful and nice place imho I should've known better not to post anything
  11. I need to quit this stupid sleeplessness i got from studying wednesday after doing an all nighter.. omg help.. I cannot sleep.. Actually I can, but its hard. anyone have any suggestions? If there is one thing I learned this is.. that is WILL POWER.. u can do anything possible with it as long as you try, so I can still wake up and go on with my daily activities without fatigue at all but it has to stop today. I've ended insomnia easily just by sleeping and closing my eyes.. but just wondering how you guys treat it?
  12. congrats ppl.. yo elephas.. do u go there often? can i see ur gear next time when i go back to tw if ur there? o_O
  13. Looks like their computers are up to date!! Hopefully the technology they use to make the memory prayer is just as good XD
  14. Happy Birthday~
  15. Never fear my pachyderm friend! I shall take the clear stand off your hands if you want! (I want a headphone stand! but too late for me >.<)
  16. Hey.. is it true that the Hippos won? my friend told me about it..
  17. omg, does Fitz have anything to say? o_O Looks great! wish i could try em.. how new are these?
  18. happy birthday!
  19. I have to agree with OP (but actually more like.. stupid lil kiddies), yesterday it snowed a lot and my school was so beautiful in the morning.. with the clean untouched snow.. .. after my exams.. I looked outside and ZOMG, there were like 50+ people tobaganing on my school's hill and ruined it.. wtf.. I'll take a pic next time.. its quite a sight. Thought my school turned into a ski resort or something..... other than this.. I love snow!
  20. still not as awesome as OP's stuff.. but..           。 ◇◎。o.☆οo.        。:゜ ◎:☆∧_∧☆。∂゜        /  。○。 ∂(*゚ー゚)O◇。☆      /   ◎| ̄ ̄∪ ̄∪ ̄ ̄ ̄|:◎:     /     ☆。| Happy Birth Day!! |☆   ▼      。○..io.。◇.:☆____| 。.: ∠▲―――――☆ :∂io☆ ゜
  21. *points up* wow thats amazing lol.. happy birthday
  22. yea smeggy, i agree.. but I went with the much cheaper Woo Audio ones.. ill grab the AT ones another time probably.. maybe I'll get a Japanese friend to buy and ship me if it makes a difference.. seems like many people are charging like $35 for shipping
  23. Group buy chips? LOL I haven't eaten a bag of junk food, etc in 2 years...
  24. lol.. did it work?
  25. That's not so wise you know >.<.. plus I don't even work...
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