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aardvark baguette

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Everything posted by aardvark baguette

  1. As long as silver continues to kick ass, I will probably be pickup up a pair this year, wherever the price may be. I definitely am waiting till someone like Elusive Disc gets them, though. I had better see about getting an amp soon. I've been out of audio to goddamn long.
  2. Steve Holt and Circumaural
  3. http://www.wimp.com/bruceplaying/ bruce lee ping pong ownage
  4. Happy Birthday
  5. There is trouble in the forest....
  6. Our appreciation is payment enough for any artisan of the lolz.
  7. take one for the team anyway?
  8. If you get the job, burn your bridges at the previous one to epic proportions, and put it on the youtubez for the lolz.
  9. Did you reprogram his IE shortcut to Chrome?
  10. That is the edited version of the video. This is the one that captures it as it actually happened.
  11. Up goes the CPI, up goes my shares of AGQ.
  12. http://news.cnet.com/8301-31921_3-20043421-281.html enjoy your wiretapses
  13. I would suck as a juror. I can remember names for a period of about 3 nanoseconds, and I hate the government.
  14. How can you think about headphones at a time like this? Show some compassion to japan, asshole.
  15. my interview advice: drive it like you stole it! wait....
  16. Happy Birthday
  17. Currently being pulled in a dozen different directions from people who failed to plan adequately, so of course its my emergency. This is going to be a long god damned day.
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