I still need to pick up the top to an old kitty litter box that blew down to my fence line when I had it outside being cleaned.
But thats really more of a May thing, I suppose.
Do you know how many times Pet Sounds has been released as 'audiophile' versions?
Having batted through the 10 or so classic rock staples the forum likes, he is obviously gearing up to re-release the same goddamn Deep Purple album for the millionth fucking time.
I bought a few more shares of AGQ with the half of my tax refund that has come in.
Its looking more and more like I will be making some large audio purchases this year.
I have fond memories of summer classes several years ago.
Virtually no air conditioning in my Spanish class for several hours, followed immediately with a history class that always had slide shows or films in a dark room with a temp of about 64 degrees.
Instant coma. You couldn't pay me to stay awake.