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aardvark baguette

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Everything posted by aardvark baguette

  1. I never get tired of this.
  2. A blog about getting kicked out of headfi.... Imma spam the fuck outta that thing
  3. I do believe that gentleman has an inner ear disorder.
  4. Can't decide between i5 / i7. aaarrgghh asd;lkjasflij
  5. Definitely check out Destroy Erase Improve. I haven't heard the Catch 33 or live ones. I haven't listened to Chaosphere in a long time, but I remember thinking at the time that DEI had more groove to it, and better vocals. I really can't stress how awesome it is to have groove like that, despite the rigid time signatures and tempo shifts and whatnot. Its kind of like taking the groove of say Guns N Roses, and mixing it with the rigidness of Fear Factory. It shouldn't be possible but they did it. The vocals...its just so 'elastic'. Its so unique. DEI is probably my desert island metal disc, in fact.
  6. I've been a fan for a while, at least of this one. I haven't listened to the newer stuff in years though. I'll probably revisit them soon. I can definitely say that I appreciate this material more now that my 'musical ear' has grown up since high school.
  7. This has become my go-to metal disc these days. It gets so many things right for me.
  8. Jethro Tull - Thick as a brick
  9. tl;dr
  10. more goodies from pamp suisse
  11. by far my favorite u2 album
  12. My condolences.
  13. Has anyone heard any LCD2 version with the Pinnacle? I cant quite bring myself to spend the money, but I'm trying to work up to it.
  14. I never bothered, but I like how people have been moving the dock to the left side vertically.
  15. Payday is tomorrow too. How on earth am I supposed to leave that money just sitting in an account all weekend?
  16. pppffffftttt.
  17. (spotify) I put my email in the invite thing a few weeks ago and still haven't seen a reply. I want to be excited but it seems to good to be true. I really am only interested in free plans at this point as I have plenty of music and it would be purely for convenience. It seems like everything starts out free and becomes fee for service eventually.
  18. More horrible book art http://i.somethingaw...esgoRARR_09.jpg http://i.somethingaw...s/Radio__01.jpg http://i.somethingaw...ialsucks_03.jpg http://i.somethingaw...s/Needle_02.jpg http://i.somethingaw...s/Zellus_01.jpg http://i.somethingaw...s/Needle_03.jpg http://i.somethingaw...gs_Boson_05.jpg http://i.somethingaw...ceKillah_01.JPG http://i.somethingaw...AuntBuck_04.jpg http://i.somethingaw...s/Zellus_02.jpg http://i.somethingaw...rs/Bored_08.jpg http://i.somethingaw...esgoRARR_24.jpg http://i.somethingaw...Pimpmust_01.jpg http://i.somethingaw...elbrecht_02.png http://i.somethingaw...resiarch_01.jpg http://i.somethingaw..._Mahoney_01.jpg
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