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aardvark baguette

High Rollers
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Everything posted by aardvark baguette

  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/cia-left-explosive-material-on-loudoun-school-bus-after-training-exercise/2016/03/31/428f9824-f78d-11e5-a3ce-f06b5ba21f33_story.html CIA left explosive material on Loudoun school bus after training exercise
  2. Apparently I've stumbled into a heavy Tom Petty binge. Hard.
  3. https://reverb.com/item/1195433-santa-cruz-1934-om aww, shit.
  4. Dear apple: ipad 1 ipad 1.1 ipad 1.2 ipad 1.3 ipad 2 etc. please and thank you.
  5. http://i.imgur.com/nilPrg1.gifv
  6. How many guitars are you up to now?
  7. It just means I'll actually still have some bitcoins when it goes over $10,000 soon. aka when I buy lots of guitars
  8. Happy birthday
  9. Started watching Blacklist. This is great.
  10. Looks like someone beat me to it. Seems to be removed from the website now. dodged a bullet I guess.
  11. I will not sell bitcoins and buy this... I will not sell bitcoins and buy this... I will not sell bitcoins and buy this... I'm teetering here.
  12. https://youtu.be/VaBxQPgQwrM?t=24s
  13. I'm smart. I swear.
  14. https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Melody-Maker https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Rhythm
  15. Third eye blind. I love this more now than I did in high school. Probably my favorite 90s album, currently. Every single song is good.
  16. 2 hour talk after work today. Not a completely linear discussion, but it went very, very well. I think he had actually been waiting for me to announce my intentions for more work. Nothing official yet but I don't see any other outcome other than this. With my degree being in graphic design, it makes sense for me to absorb all ads and design work. I already do our publishing, so having 1 person do the ads, the publishing and web makes a lot of sense. Less cooks in the kitchen and no one to slow me down. My obsessive traits pay off here. And nobody knows what I do for the web so I'm pretty much positive I've locked that down and will be making it a stand-alone department, previously being under marketing. (Marketing person is leaving) this will be way more efficient if I call the shots for everything digital. didnt talk titles or pay; I've never done that. Work ethic always takes care of that, but I'd be amazed if base pay doesn't go up substantially. He's not an idiot. tl;dr more bitcoins.
  17. lots of changes at work. people leaving soon. getting ready to make a power play later this week. essentially the argument is that i dont need a boss and my work is superior to everyone else's. I've been waiting about 9 years for this opportunity.
  18. Happy birthday
  19. I did my first ever wire transfer today at the bank. that process has me believing in Bitcoin again.
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