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aardvark baguette

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Everything posted by aardvark baguette

  1. legendary pink dots - the maria dimension
  2. Very methodically explained to a coworker why everyone is fucking retarded.
  3. i blame drugs on the retarded comic that comes with the CD. it reminds me of silent shout, because that to me was so weird when i first heard it, and it grew on me over time. probably my biggest complaint at the moment is flow of the album, it feels kinda all over the place.
  4. cult - sonic temple
  5. anti dentate bastard.
  6. i haven't picked up on that. its so weird.
  7. bill evans - you must believe in spring shm sacd this right here. this is why i took my tv off the wall.
  8. orbital - snivilisation
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oa9temz_Cxw
  10. this has turned into a black sabbath weekend for me. fell asleep in my listening chair to this on repeat: had some truly strange dreams... now doing this one these are so good I should buy duplicates of each to keep offsite.
  11. Cat: The Incredible Jimmy Smith shm-sacd
  12. fairport convention - liege & lief
  13. progress... i did manage to break a piece off of one of them in the pic, which i'll fix. everything sounds like it snaps into place, its weird. it sounds so much better than a few weeks ago.
  14. the discipline comes from cleaning ones fingers before touching anything. the spiritual meditation comes from cleaning ones fingers with one's mouth before touching anything.
  15. arcade fire - funeral
  16. Nope. But I did just eat some Cheetos.
  17. right in the nostalgia
  18. probably more skylines up there, if there is a full 2 feet left. that has to wait until payday though. And now to finally supplant the ikea once and for all (seriously, this is not getting disassembled or upgraded, i'm done.) The SolidSteel Hyperspike HS-4:
  19. I think this is all for the front wall for now. The panels coming today will probably be all ceiling.
  20. I moved the damn tv at last. Royal pain. i moved a mtn dew foamie into place to see how it would work. they would be flanked by diffusors all around. i think these would be good here. the key is to lean them from the floor so i get a little air pocket back there. the absurdity of depth isn't too obvious when viewing the panel dead on which is nice.
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