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aardvark baguette

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Everything posted by aardvark baguette

  1. He only got in twice because he is a 'wartime' president. That and he was running against John Kerry. Anyone else and he would have been out, easy. John Kerry is truly something special. Oh and America isnt really a democracy, its a republic.
  2. what I meant was that I'm happy to listen to forum posters here, just not Dennis...I've heard his opinions and impeachment calls already. The smile is only meant in reference to Dennis.
  3. I've got so many things I'd like to say, but whats the point. It'll all fall on deaf ears, and the post above me probably says it best. People have already made up their minds on Bush, and hypothetically if he were to be put on any type of trial, he may as well recite the alphabet, because people have a burning hatred for him no matter what he says or what the real facts are. Republicans are the same way with Clinton. I remember Dennis tried to impeach Bush a while ago. Claiming he lied to go to war. Thing is, Hillary is on record confirming the same info Bush based his decision on. To me, there is a difference between lying and having bad information. You really can't impeach someone just because you dont like them. That just waists alot of time and money. Reminds me of something I saw on a bumper sticker. It said (paraphrasing) "Sorry W, I'm the decider: The Dems in 08". I'd like to tell the driver "Sorry Mr/Ms/Mrs_____, W isnt running in 08"
  4. I've got a penchant for bullshit
  5. No problem. Hopefully I can end the maddening USB musical chairs that comes from having so many peripherals.
  6. Yeah, Self powered mode delivers full 500mA to each port off of included 4 ampere psu, provides power/overcurrent protection to all ports http://www.synchrotech.com/product-usb/hub_03_usb_13-port.html
  7. 13 port USB hub from Syncrotech
  8. That is as far as I got before losing interest
  9. If obtaining terrabytes of music overnight is Fail, then yes
  10. lol Actually I started ripping with Apple Lossless, but overtime have gravitated to other formats, partly due to EAC and Foobar, partly due to others not using the format. It just makes it easier for "talking" about music with others
  11. A very large FAIL for apple, imo.
  12. It would have to be wav or aiff, as ipod doesnt do flac ( ) but I'd like to avoid further transcoding, as its getting to be a PITA
  13. Already got one of those Something that can go in one's pocket? edit: Oh and something that doesnt have to be booted up, or run windoze
  14. Anyone know if there is a portable player akin to ipod that does Flac Disc Images? Or regular disc images? Or APE disc images? Thanks.
  15. Howsabout an official HeadCase beat
  16. Im afraid I must insist you disclose which lyric
  17. I'm still on the fence about my iphone. I haven't got rid of it yet, but tried to. The phone call got dropped I'm either going to get rid of it, possibly getting an ipod classic (or nothing at all; already got a 60GB 5G Ipod), or migrate to the new iphone. But I will only migrate if doing so will greatly increase the phone call reception. I simply get lousy reception right now, and never end up calling anyone because of it. I'm not sure how much 3G is about data, as opposed to phone calls though. It would have to be a very, very significant signal boost for me to stay.
  18. My family has basically come to the agreement that we will have to get another dog/pet pretty much immediately after our dog Scooter dies further down the road. She really is a member of the family
  19. Makes sense to me.
  20. BBQ Fritos, Dr. Pepper, Lean Cuisine Margherita Pizza. In that order.
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