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aardvark baguette

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Everything posted by aardvark baguette

  1. I'd agree with that. Same price ballpark, with better feel and aesthetics. As an aside, I'm fairly sure I'm going to end up with a MBP before 2009. Unless they release something completely new and I'm blown away by that.
  2. No question, Apple has the edge in software. I never hear of people buying a mac and instantly wiping the hd clean to get rid of bloatware. I guess I was really thinking about the tech side, but as it relates to price, i.e. what computer has the most ghz for the least $, or faster HD for less $, etc.
  3. Comes preloaded w/ 22 Journey tracks
  4. If you look at it in pure financial terms, you will probably end up avoiding mac altogether. I've had many intentions of getting mac this and that, but always ended up getting something cheaper, though not necessarily better. I think you need to ask yourself if you're willing to pay a little more in order to get Macintosh software and O.S. Because there are plenty of computers cheaper than any mac, and thats not likely to change. All I know is, several computers later, and I still haven't kicked my itch for a mac.
  5. Man, you guys have an unlimited supply of smilies
  6. who's got time to click "Go Advanced?". I cant be pressing all kinds of buttons and doodads all day. When I wanna post, I wanna post, not review rough drafts.
  7. bbbbbbut somtime mt keybvoard gets stuyck.
  8. At least until its a little long in the tooth;)
  9. Dont mention burn-in and you're half way there.
  10. Lets put it to a vote: All those who want Cankin to take one for the HC team and audition say 'I'. All opposed say 'nay'. "I"
  11. I need to pick it up again too. Problem is I don't feel like driving to get lunch during the day, (traffic & gas $) and the vending machine at the office is full of sugar and bullshit. Expensive sugar and bullshit. And I dont cook I'm thinking of getting a mini fridge for my office, so I can keep some milk there for cereal. But there's too much stuff to buy thats a lot more entertaining.
  12. Most recent interesting purchase was a CD: The L.A. Four - Going Home via Ebay. Recommended to me in the WAYLT thread
  13. Thats not in the true spirit of the computer enthusiast. More like, decaf users need not apply
  14. Well its nice to see something having to do with McCain was allowed to be printed. I guess it "mirrored Obama's piece" link
  15. There is a rumor of a new product launch from apple soon. As in completely new product, not a spec bump. FWIW.
  16. Make it a double talk contest and I'm in:D
  17. Different strokes, i guess. It sounds better, its funnier, its smarter. I guess its inferior across the board.
  18. This is way better, imo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMlPVpXtkJY&feature=related
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