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aardvark baguette

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Everything posted by aardvark baguette

  1. lmfao so the republican base = racists, homohhobes and fear mongers? It is a litmus test? You really should just bow out gracefully now.
  2. I'm a racist just for wanting someone other than Obama? Than what am I doing with all these jazz cds
  3. 1-20-13. That is all.
  4. voted and worked. Got to the poll at 6:30, with an opening at 7:00. 80 or so people in front of me. I'm kind of glad its over, regardless of who wins. Now I can go back to just thinking about music all day every day.
  5. I've seen it before. Probably here.
  6. Smart Bears is Today's BIG Thing - OCT 24, 2008
  7. lol
  8. Awesome, Laine. Thats pretty young to be digging jazz.
  9. I listened to Booka Shade on it the other day. Sounded great.
  10. This was my finding as well. Im glad someone else seems to hear the same thing. This gives me faith it wasnt just me wanting to like my new toys
  11. fwiw I haven't really noticed much change due to 'burn in' with my pair, with the hours I've put on them at the office. I will say they sound a lot better with the ipod than the Transit. I never realized how bad the transit sounds until getting a second unit recently. Anyway, I think you can expect them to sound at least reasonably close to what you're hearing now, unless something magical happens after some # of hundreds of hours.
  12. Doesnt it have a headphone jack built in? Or are you talking about for speakers?
  13. awwwwww shiiiittttttt
  14. I use whatever came from the office supply drawer that hasn't yet walked off my desk with the assistance of my coworkers. Whenever possible though, I opt for Notepad in windoze.
  15. stay safe
  16. Exactly one penny more than they're worth.
  17. I've always wanted to put a great headphone amp and dac inside of an old dell pc case for the office. Cleaning staff and others would be none the wiser
  18. I like that one alot.
  19. I had no idea about the down syndrome. I just assumed he kicked the kid to tell him to wait his line in turn.
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