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aardvark baguette

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Everything posted by aardvark baguette

  1. I just got the point of it, finally. God, I'm slow.
  2. Worked, ate an Arbys sandwich + coke, came home.
  3. I've never been to a meet, but I do appreciate all the gear pr0n photos that always follow.
  4. Nirvana - In Utero
  5. I've put it off wayyyy to long.
  6. I bought something called "1/4 Deposit w/ Alps RK50 - $1498.75"
  7. Is it backwards compatible with version 1.1 socks? You know, toe holes and such?
  8. That won't work for me. I ball up my socks. Blast!
  9. What does the "USB input" do?
  10. thats what I meant. Otherwise,... not so much.
  11. Now that would be a sight to see
  12. whats the one from tv with the guy poring dog food in it?
  13. Tonight is going to be so stressful, yet so awesome.
  14. Its pretty tame. Safe for work.
  15. Yeah, but he just posted a picture when it arrived; he didnt even warm up to it at all. Just sprung it on me. Like this http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3642/3510706919_86a84c1cf3.jpg?v=0
  16. You little fucking sneak
  17. Happy B Day
  18. YooouuuTuuube(root) Apparently you can do that to any youtube vid, kinda.
  19. Sorry for your loss, Ken.
  20. So did they stop offering the practical sized kindle?
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