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aardvark baguette

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Everything posted by aardvark baguette

  1. dont be dissin mah fazt typeing skilles, mang. I cante be al aboot spellin n shitt.
  2. I use foobar on my netbook, since it can barley power anything else. I use iTunes on everything else though. I've tried other stuff, but I'm just too hooked on the iTunes interface to use anything else. Its more satisfying than Foobar, aesthetically.
  3. "Pick an artist I've ignored/bypassed/forgotten about recently and acquire their entire discography" phase. Haven't done much actual listening lately, schedule has been kind of crazy.
  4. Having heard neither, I'll go ahead and recommend the 800.
  5. man, am I out of the loop; I've never even heard of the HD300.
  6. Revolting - Dreadful Pleasures This is the best death metal I've heard in ages. Old school.
  7. lol, actually that was in reference to Hop's post, not anything I've done today, unfortunately
  8. the blue one will have a transparent background on HC. The other is pretty fuzzy, I could probably tweak it if you really cared about it, but I have another conference call in a moment. You don't need a lasso to do this one, imo. To really do it right, it could be converted to vector in Illustrator first, but I'm half-assing it the way I do everything in life. edit: Also, the red I used was from one of the CD images in your link.
  9. Happy Birthday
  10. what the fucking fuck?
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. same, and now my head hurts.
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