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aardvark baguette

High Rollers
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Everything posted by aardvark baguette

  1. Happy Birthday
  2. I'll take care of this within a few days when I get back to my PC (haven't been to my place all week).
  3. square pusher - just a souvenir
  4. OT: anyone ever figure out what the end-all be-all JH13pro amp would be?
  5. Al Sears - Swing's The Thing
  6. Audio Fidelity remaster preorders: The Doors - Soft Parade The Doors - Morrison Hotel
  7. I can't wait for him to buy the Emm Dac2 so I can put it off a bit longer
  8. That makes sense. I kept my mouth open too, she was basically like "if thats what they say, then do that". She kind of said they may not be what I was expecting, but it sounds to me like I have a choice of possibly anemic bass or too tight a fit...I want my bass
  9. wow that sucks.
  10. I had my impressions taken today. The audiologist looked a bit bewildered when I presented her with the check list from JH Audio. The part about cotton dams in place of foam. She stepped out of the room and called them to inquire, and I heard her say over the phone that she found this odd, because they had moved away from cotton because it has a tendency to tear/rip ear drums. She briefly discussed this with the receptionist as well when she asked the audiologist what they said after she hung up, and she told the receptionist "they don't care". 100% conjecture on my part, but I suppose they've run into this question before, and didn't want to contest it? This may have been covered in the HF thread, but I haven't seen any specific reference to it. Oh and she also expressed a bit of doubt to me about the request to have me keep my mouth open, she basically said things tend to fit better when it remains closed. Anyone's guess, I suppose. Anyways, I'm definitely stoked about sending these in regardless.
  11. The iems have no effect on the schedule, but if I do go for Emm Labs, that puts it off quite a bit I figure I'd buy these now while discretionary income is greatest, and save for a dac after the move to wherever.
  12. Well, I have an appointment w/ the audiologist scheduled for tomorrow... Thanks alot guys.
  13. What would you know?
  14. Dispense with the 500gb ipods already. /threadcrap
  15. do you have any of the triangles?
  16. That album became my life, for a good while in college.
  17. those are all caps, right?
  18. Finally setup the content-management software, finished write permissions, and general crap required for Adobe Contribute for a small website for next year. No more FTP mishaps from the coworkers, i.e. "the home page disappeared? what's going on?" It is a good day.
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