I had my impressions taken today. The audiologist looked a bit bewildered when I presented her with the check list from JH Audio. The part about cotton dams in place of foam.
She stepped out of the room and called them to inquire, and I heard her say over the phone that she found this odd, because they had moved away from cotton because it has a tendency to tear/rip ear drums.
She briefly discussed this with the receptionist as well when she asked the audiologist what they said after she hung up, and she told the receptionist "they don't care".
100% conjecture on my part, but I suppose they've run into this question before, and didn't want to contest it?
This may have been covered in the HF thread, but I haven't seen any specific reference to it.
Oh and she also expressed a bit of doubt to me about the request to have me keep my mouth open, she basically said things tend to fit better when it remains closed. Anyone's guess, I suppose.
Anyways, I'm definitely stoked about sending these in regardless.