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aardvark baguette

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Everything posted by aardvark baguette

  1. More, larger photos will be posted in the setup pic thread in a second. Ignore the pink paint on the door, second white coat isn't on yet.
  2. I hope I'm not mixing up my subscriptions, and I know that AP has been the worst, as far as deadlines go, but I would think of 2 a month as a loose ballpark figure at best. I've actually had Elusive Disc hold the remainder of my subscription for the time being, and I can pay for all of them when it is finished, or decline the remainder. I like to keep my credit card payed off and I got tired of always checking to see if there were charges made to it. I thought I would have to cancel outright, and was surprised they were willing to do this to be honest. Elusive Disc is definitely very accommodating and I recommend them. Also I've only heard needle drops of a few of the releases (I have no vinyl rig; I've commissioned a friend to transfer them to digital, back before the XRCDs were announced) but what Ive heard is excellent.
  3. Finally put up my largest diffusion panels. (12 2'x2' squares on the back wall) I thought they were a hard plastic but they turned out to be a closed cell foam. It actually made installation far easier. Its amazing what a difference it makes, this room was nuts before. Sounds stay in their point of origin better if that makes sense.
  4. you is good joke
  5. toe - for long tomorrow OMG YES.
  6. I've been looking at all the antelope stuff at youtube, and have been really impressed with the 10M atomic clock. Whats been confusing to me is that they've been using it in combination with another clock, in most cases the 'trinity' which is quartz based. I didnt understand the logic behind buying the Trinity if you're going to turn right around and use a better clock immediately after. I've been emailing support about possibly using the 10M with any of the zodiacs. While it can be done, it doesnt look like it can be done without another go-between device such as the Trinity or the OCX. The 10M only sends out 10Mhz, so it won't work directly to any DAC. I was told they were planning on making a dac with its own built-in atomic clock, but it would probably be at least a year down the road. I'm more interested in getting my hands on the 10M than the zodiac at this point, as it could theoretically benefit any dac w/ clock output. But needing another clock in between kind of puts that out of my reach any time soon. It would be cheaper to pair the zodiac to the OCX than the trinity, but the internal clock in the zodiac is said to be up to trinity's quality (which is better than OCX, I'm told). You dac gurus may have already known all this but it was very unclear to me until now. I still may watch sweetwater for the zodiac gold though, who knows.
  7. damn that sucks
  8. Charles Mingus mosaic box set
  9. *fast *affordable *light/small ------------- pick any two
  10. when are you moving, stretch?
  11. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/724367/animated%20gifs/SNOWED.jpg
  12. I'm still on the preorder for the HT preamp ...
  13. i nearly spit my drink out when I saw this for some reason
  14. lol, no mine is actually possible to complete. Its funny, but it is absolutely intended to impede the flow of requests, via a very simple 1 page form. It looks like I could have learned from the master though People tend not to understand the difference between high priority work and whatever they just thought about while on the can, and this system sort of resolves that.
  15. Had a quick follow-up of the service request system we put in place for me about a month ago. Frivolous and redundant requests have plummeted since requiring the completion of the form Its amazing what a little bit of inconvenience can do to motivate people.
  16. the blurb @ 6moons about volume matching pushed me over the edge. i have my impressions ready to go to JH when I get some monies.
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