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aardvark baguette

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Everything posted by aardvark baguette

  1. Does it have to be just one? Probably Dusty.
  2. I've only heard the HD650 and am going to kill you all.
  3. I like that you took the time to use a different font, how lovely.
  4. You can start with the most economical mini and upgrade individual components separately without choosing to upgrade via their cookie cutter options. I chose the bottom rung mini and maxed the ram, iirc. Its been the only computer I've used at home for the past several months and its handled everything fine.
  5. currently: earlier:
  6. I've enjoyed using a self healing hard drive combo in place of one drive for my music. When I used to use a single drive, I would occasionally have problems retrieving/accessing a song here and there. Sometimes I could access them later, sometimes not. If you have the money for it (and I suspect that you do) I'd recommend a drobo or raid1 array as your music drive(s). Thats probably the biggest improvement I've made regarding the computer side of this hobby since I started.
  7. Happy Birthday
  8. Happy Birthday
  9. Happy Birthday
  10. Bondage Fruit Definitely very different, which I like.
  11. Was playing around with this thing, its kinda fun inudge.net - Nudge inudge.net - Nudge
  12. bigger SheMan.jpg (image) Sam Carter Art: She-Man
  13. monthly subscription to backblaze. I decided to give it a shot since I have fios now. Was pleased to see they do in fact have the folder system set up online, which someone said back in September they didnt have. Its been a wet dream of mine to have my Drobo backed up offsite, online, but it seemed impossible to upload all of it. Not anymore though, I think I'm closing in on 100GB being uploaded of my primary/initial backup that I started late last night (!) Given my last fios bill, I think I'll let them start earning that money a bit more
  14. just ripped: The Feelies - Crazy Rhythms I've been glancing at the Pitchfork Best-Of lists, for the 80s. Gets the amazon juices flowing.
  15. Brand X - Unorthodox Behaviour Original UK Charisma Vinyl Rip
  16. 5 pounds of polyfill
  17. Scientists unlock genetic code in major cancer breakthrough - CNN.com just a neat article
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