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aardvark baguette

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Everything posted by aardvark baguette

  1. i got it yesterday
  2. damn, nice score
  3. Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral Disc 2 of the SACD set
  4. I'm going in today, since no one else is going to be there. I'll actually get some work done.
  5. Disturbed - Indestructible
  6. minute by minute
  7. I'm still on my initial backup, but I think I've finally got my music folder backed up online.
  8. Conan is way better than Leno ever was
  9. Whats the point in the logitech if it only matches the speaker count of a financially cheaper product? They should do moar speakers.
  10. UE begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.
  11. Ok, the room is about 10 feet wide, left to right, and 12 feet deep front to back. Sounds like it may be pushing it a bit? I am looking into monitors and small speakers too. I was glancing at the mapleshade site and noticed they/he thinks this monitor sounds better than the magico minis. Gallo Acoustics Strada Reference Speakers-Mapleshade
  12. Happy Birthday
  13. Heifetz. I'm going to measure my room tonight, not sure how big it is. I'd have no problem giving the speakers 3 feet or so from the back wall, but I'm uncertain how much room there would be between the speakers & couch, and couch & wall. Its basically a completely empty bedroom I can do whatever I want with, I just have to move out all the crap I put in there when I moved.
  14. Anyone know the minimum space required between the speakers and the listening position? The typical amount for magnepans in general?
  15. its never enough, which is why its so great
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