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aardvark baguette

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Everything posted by aardvark baguette

  1. Lost more work thanks to this piece of shit VPN software. Now I remember why I hardly ever work with this stuff.
  2. changed a litter box, vacuumed.
  3. Just named one of my cats after this guy.
  4. .
  5. Dixie Chicken
  6. the captain and me sacd
  7. For me this is one of those "why didnt I think of that" items, which is sad, considering ipod docks are practically found in underwear and cigarette packs nowadays. Kinda cool.
  8. I've outdone myself with picture crappiness yet again, this was the least blurry photo I shot. The auto focus just can't keep up.
  9. I just realized that new orleans has a bit richer jazz heritage than indiana too.
  10. Definitely. I was driven to insanity yesterday, as they were too skittish to come out into view, and then when they did at night, they wouldn't sit still. I got some blurry photos, but now I can't find the usb-dongle for the memory card.
  11. Not really into football much, but I guess I'll route for the saints on account of Katrina.
  12. 2 kittehs. 10 week old 1/2 Persians from a craigslist ad. Yesterday they spent the afternoon sleeping behind the couch, and the late evening dive bombing each other on and off the couch.
  13. Finally, a tactical advantage for sober headcaser(s), er, me. Now, where be smilies?
  14. Happy Birthday
  15. we need those smilies
  16. i like chocolate
  17. Happy Birthday
  18. I've not listened to it carefully yet, but more importantly, I haven't listened to my rip yet, just the actual disc via my xa5400es.
  19. thats fucked up
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