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    The Netherlands
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  1. I was about to declare my package lost but to my surprise it arrived at my doorstep today (Netherlands). thx for the GB Steef
  2. Netherlands here. Package not arrived yet.
  3. Thanks for all the hard work. 👍
  4. Hi, I did not receive (yet) a payment request. (The Netherlands). Still busy? i do not want to look impatient but would hate to things go wrong 😬 and thanks for putting this thing up! stay healty and take care, Steef
  5. Hi, please add to my outstanding list: 2x GRLV78 2x GRLV79 thanks for all the work!
  6. I think I would opt for the partly assembled boards, with or without the hard to get components. If bare would be all there is I would take those too.
  7. I use this one, fed from the 12v lv to delay hv output. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.nl%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F122078937183 I use a drop resistor to feed the cpc1117n
  8. Two Methods for adjusting ccs. Got the link from here somewhere I think. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sDp_QkRTnDHR2WO59ioGUoK2RewwoEbZaYuJX8QAXk8/mobilebasic
  9. OK I think I will bite for one miniT2 set, so 2x GRHVxxx1x GRLV79xx1x GRLV78xx1x Main Board1x miniT2 Thanks!
  10. I use The v tap guide From big gator tools with success. Use their drill hole guide for the drilling. I have no drill press. https://biggatortools.com/v-tapguide-faqs
  11. Hi @mwl168 will do but first I try to get the 300v line closer to 300v and lower the lv heatsink temp.
  12. I thought I did that already but seems not the case. I deliberately avoided vague eBay sellers and went for a seemingly reputable seller (not through eBay) in Germany. And maybe the tubes *are* okay and something else is wrong with my build. That is why I seek for alternative measurements on the tube side as well as on the amp board side. Will ponder about buying extra tubes though. Any suggestions for sellers in Europe? Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk
  13. Pity, local tube seller is not that helpful. Pondering about another DIY project to help myself out: http://www.dos4ever.com/uTracer3/uTracer3_pag0.html Is it up to the task? Is it helpful to power up the amp without tubes to measure voltages at the pins to verify that all tubes (output vs CSS of course) get the same input?
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