Yuck, its like the soundstage collapsed or something...I much prefer the bowls in all aspects (don't hurt me please). Anyways, I'm really quite impressed with the RS1s after running the whole gamut of commonly recommended headphones on HF.
Weird thing is, I use to own a pair of SR225s and they became extremely uncomfortable after 30 minutes, but the RS1s I can wear for any length of time without my ears throbbing. I'd say they're more comfortable than my pair of HD580s because of less clamping force and possibly due to the weight differential. The comfort factor is certainly contrary to my expectations and a pleasant one at that.
This is the first time I've felt more than satisfied with a headphone purchase; with no desire left to explore other options. Although I could see myself a year or two down the line wondering about Stax Omegas and other similarly priced indulgences.