Is it really Stax that should be the focus of all that wrath?
-- Switching from a multi-tap transformer to a simple one decreases production costs while Krell's microcontroller hack almost certainly increases them.
-- If Stax didn't want to bow down to the importer mafia, what could they do? Some boutique constructors like Origin Live can be successful by mostly selling from their website. Stax may be small but they're not boutique, they're part of a conglomerate, and they already have commitments all over the world. Is there another possibility for them?
Please enlighten me, those of you who know more about the business.
In France importers of HiFi are greedy pigs, as they are for so many other countries. In the particular case of Stax, the German importer seems to be even greedier, if you can believe. If you happen to be in France but live near Belgium or Luxembourg or Germany, buy your foreign gear there.