My Stax collection lacked the SR-5, so a couple of months ago I bought a SR-5 Gold.
I often read good things about this headphone, but when I listen to it, it leaves me perplexed. Ok, warm timbre, nice mid range, but I find it quite "weird" in the treble.
It seems that high frequencies are disconnected from the mid range.
The headphones sounds veiled at the top of the midrange / low treble, and the high frequency sound a bit resonant. It's the first time (after decades) that I hear the SR-5, so I don't understand if it's normal for it to sound like this, or if it's mine that has some problem. Apparently it is in very good conditions, pads are perfect and soft. Disassembling the headphone, drivers look pristine, as new. The charge is instantaneous, there is no imbalance between the channels, no strange noises, in short, seems to be working perfectly. What do you think?