I am still testing. Yesterday my burson v5i s opamp arrived, they still need to run for a dozen of hours for the final test, however as of now I can tell that they bring much more improvement in my DAC (DIY based on ESS9028) than in my preamp (that is the the KSA5).
The idea of "upgrading" the opamps in the KSA5 came after i received counterfeit OP27 from ebay: the sound was terrible with lots of noise. Once i replaced them with Analog Devices original OP27G from Mouser, the KSA5 started to sound great, and then with BurrBrown's OPA445 even better IMHO, as i find it sounding natural.
I also think about replacing my nichcons KA with KG, not sure what it will change, or if it will change anything though.
Building, replacing, testing is an activity i really enjoy, that relaxes me a lot after a hard day at work. I should have chosen electronics instead of economics for my studies ;-) my lack of knowledge is a serious limiter for me, but you gentlemen and a great support and help. thank you!