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About vvar10ck

  • Birthday 08/16/1976

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  • Interests
    IT, HiFi, Cadastre
  • Location
    Russia, Bryansk
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  1. 'For the taste and color all felt-tip pens are different for all people' :^)
  2. It's an Perun maker's view. Design conseption is very distinctive and pagan as Perun is old slavic 'God of thunder and lightning'. These headphones are totaly handmade of natural materials as ash tree, and natural skin (lambskin) etc. This design is antipode of modern 'eco-sh*t-leather' imitation and plastic parts.
  3. It's KGBH SE (Analog Edition) made by Flux Lab Acoustics. http://fluxlab-acoustics.com/Products/18 I'm usin' it for my personal enjoyment with ES headphones.
  4. Let's decide a list of parcipients at other topic and with sending route and we will provide a free sapmle to respective community members.
  5. https://www.head-fi.org/articles/terms-of-service.6725/#mot
  6. Good day everyone! Unfortunately Head-fi topic of Perun was deleted and they're requested for a sponsorship, it's from 1K $ per month and too expencive for us. Feel free to contact me via PM or http://perun.prfi.ru mentioned above.
  7. I do not need this. If only GEN5 reached my converter+AES, I would sell it immediately. But as I said, there's no miracle here. Maybe GEN5 sounds better than GEN3 (I suppose it does!). But it's faAAAar from Hydra and that's all I wanted to say.
  8. Absolutely not at all! I just want to say what GEN5 is same class as GEN3. Nothing exeptional.
  9. The same class. Maybe better, I do not used GEN3 for a long time. Do not expect dramarical improvement from this upgrade! GEN5 sounds more flat, more muddy, less musical and natural as less dynamic and detailed as Hydra Z. I have electrostatic tract (Flux Lab KGBH SE + Perun Headphones (Much better than all Stax includes 007, 009, SR-Omega!) so difference is very notable.
  10. I have installed Gen5 a few days ago. From the box it is sounds worse than my Audiobyte Hydra Converter + AES cable. There's no miracle happend!
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