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Everything posted by aerius

  1. I'd disagree. The Nottingham Analog Dais with a good cartridge & phono stage will smoke the Capitole.
  2. Staying within the $5k limit, the best players I've heard are the Audio Aero Capitole Mk2 and the Simaudio Eclipse, the latter I believe is discontinued but they still turn up a bit on Audiogon from what I hear. In terms of resolution, they're pretty much the same, rather, it's the presentation which is different. The Capitole has a more liquid sound and big analog-like soundstage, while the Eclipse is more weighty & solid at the expense of that big airy soundscape. They are both really nice and it does come down to taste, though given the McIntosh tube amps I'd personally lean towards the Eclipse. Price no object? Simaudio MOON Andromeda. The best of both worlds, with even more resolution.
  3. Don't know, don't care, moot question in any case since I sure as hell ain't going back there even if they unbanned me. They're not worthy of my presence anymore. To be honest I should've gotten the fuck out of head-fi sometime in 2005 at the latest.
  4. http://www.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=133765 That's probably about as good as a review as you're gonna get. There have been several modifications to my K340's since then to reduce the midrange colouration and get more extension in the treble, which has been successful for the most part. But given that my personal pair has way more mods & fine-tuning than any other in existence, I'd say the above review is an accurate representation of the typical modded K340. The soundstage is rather crippled by the Gilmore Lite clone, but otherwise, everything else stands.
  5. Well, "without further adieu" would translate to "without further farewells" so I don't think that's right either. I believe the word he's looking for is "ado".
  6. I dare you to use 813's on the output.
  7. Well, it can come in handy if you have a hearing imbalance in your ears, or if you happen to get a weak tube but still want to use the amp while waiting for the new tubes to come in.
  8. Is that on the B+ or the low voltage filament heater supply?
  9. Tyrion was being a fucking idiot as usual and clogging the board with lawyer-speak. I mentioned that you'd have a better chance of crapping out a TS Round-Plate (a rare and expensive 6SN7) than you would of getting a straight answer out of the dipshit. Hirsch noted that he'd have to check his toilet more often.
  10. It is actually surprisingly good. There are of course a few drawbacks; Being an open baffle dipole, they needs some room to breath, just like electrostatics You're not going to get big bass, but you won't get that from a monitor speaker anyway Treble's going to be kinda soft Given the needs of hungrych, the first point pretty much rules them out as he wants to stick one of them on a desktop close to a wall. Unfortunately I can't really answer the question as small desktop or bookshelf type speakers are something I have little experience with.
  11. Sting & Copeland were mouthing off at each other after every few songs, and for I while I thought Copeland was going to whip his drumsticks at him. Despite all that, they still put on a pretty good show.
  12. After seeing their antics last night, I'd be surprised if The Police manage to make it to the end of their tour without killing each other.
  13. In a few hours, The Police.
  14. I just log on to the city library network and reserve myself a book, and within a couple days it's delivered to my local branch for pickup.
  15. Next step, order a balanced autoformer volume control...
  16. Speaking from personal experience?
  17. Half frozen watermelon. I left it in the freezer a few minutes too long.
  18. What's wrong? Afraid of getting perm-banned from Head-fi? Oh no, what a tragic loss that would be, however will you live if that happened?
  19. It's a big change from my normal light reading (John Ringo's books for example), the style's quite different and there's a lot more layers & subtlety so it takes some concentration to keep everything sorted in my head. I'm liking it so far, the political intrigues can get a bit tedious though.
  20. Finished Children of Dune a few days ago, just started on The God Emperor of Dune.
  21. Vinyl, must have more of the sweet black analog goodness.
  22. Protip: Sounding like you've just finished greasing the shaft and getting the name wrong is generally not a good way to pick up chicks.
  23. Atkins diet is hell on the kidneys & liver over the long term though, it's about as bad as being an alcoholic.
  24. Wait a sec, you have a wife and a GF? That would definitely explain why you live in Hamilton and work in Toronto.
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