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Everything posted by aerius

  1. You need to get out more, Canada has just as much ethnic diversity as the US, though I do concede that we don't have the slums & ghettos which you have down there.
  2. No doubt, I did choose those cases for dramatic effect, but the fact remains that it can and does happen. I have a relative in the US who works for a major insurance company, and though most of the fuck-ups aren't nearly that bad they're still inexcusable.
  3. Also, let's look at results here. America tied with fucking Hungary & Poland in infant mortality US has shorter life expectancy than Canada Care to explain this?
  4. Of course not. They shuttled to the nearest emergency ward when a treatable condition, such as an ulcer has degenerated to life-threatening levels. Patch'em up, kick'em out, and oh, here's a $100k bill you'll be paying for the rest of your life unless you declare bankruptcy.
  5. The "Nanny State" argument, I was waiting for that one. You may be doing great right now, but shit happens in life, in 10 years you might have cancer and diabetes, your insurance company might just decide to drop you since you're now a liability to their profits. It can and it does happen, in fact it's a frequenct occurence in the US.
  6. 47 million US citizens without any medical coverage. Nearly 1/6 of your population. I suppose it doesn't suck compared to, I don't know, Nigeria?
  7. I guess you haven't heard about Sick Kid's Hospital in Toronto. Generally acknowledged as the leading children's hospital in the world.
  8. Maybe this would be a good time to point out how roughly 47 million Americans don't have health insurance, and even those who do are often majorly fucked up the ass when they have to make hospital visits. And how your per capita cost of health insurance is over $6000 a year while we're under half that. Oh, and how medical expenses are the #1 cause of bankrupsies in the US. Here's a hint, our tax dollars actually do something to benefit all citizens along with paying down our debt, yours just gets flushed down the drain in Iraq and funneled straight into the coffers of Halliburton, Exxon-Mobil, et al while the debt continues to skyrocket.
  9. I'm a cheapass with access to several local surplus stores, so I can do it for about $100-150, plus the chassis. $10 UTC transformers, fuck yeah! Otherwise, you're probably looking at something like $800 for the audio transformers alone if you go for Lundahls, plus the cost of everything else. I'd ballpark the total cost at about $1200-$1500.
  10. I've heard the regular & SE but not in the same system so I can't really make a comparison. However, I think $750 for the upgrade is kinda out there since the only changes are 2 caps and cryo'd tubes. You could probably swap the caps yourself, and if KG is right about cryo'd tubes, that's where most if not all of the differences will be.
  11. Since you're Oakville now, you can always drop by My Kind of Music, they have the Capitole SE CDP and Prestige SACD/CD player in store and the owner's a great guy.
  12. Let's just say I've acquired the schematics to Roam's P-P 50 amp, which he says can easily used with 45's if you need current production stuff, or with 12 or 6W6's if you're poor. I'm currently building a 12W6 version.
  13. Question. Must it be a single ended amp?
  14. That's a mercury vapour rectifier tube. Real fun stuff from what I've read. Dropping it would probably be a bad thing.
  15. I don't know of anyone with a balanced vinyl rig, but I do know of a balanced phono preamp which you can get someone to build for you.
  16. mirumu's list just reminded me, I actually still have cassettes lying around. Pearl Jam - Vs. & Ten CD and cassette Gn'R - Appetite for Destruction CD & cassette The Police - Regatta de Blanc CD & cassette, my cassette's worn to hell since I played it so many times in my youth Simon & Garfunkel - Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme CD & LP, a few pops on the LP, but it still sounds great
  17. I keep meaning to pick up one of these just for fun, but anything other than plain black vinyl is stupid expensive where I am. I see some green and white LP's at the record stores every now and then, but they're always behind the glass display case and selling for $$$. I should start looking on the 'net one of these days.
  18. R.E.M. - Life's Rich Pageant. I have the regular CD version, a CD with bonus tracks, and of course on vinyl R.E.M. - Reckoning CD and LP Chantal Kreviazuk - What if it all means something? Regular CD and limited edition signed CD with extra booklet Sarah McLachlan - Surfacing Regular CD and limited edition 2 CD set U2 - Joshua Tree CD and LP, the LP sucks, at least my copy does. Led Zeppelin II CD & LP, my LP's worn to hell though, cracks & pops everywhere. The Nylons CD & LP There might be one or 2 more, but I'll have to search through all my albums to be sure.
  19. "We may or may not have problems on Head-fi, but I'm not going to discuss them. But we are meeting our objectives, and making Head-fi a better place." Gee, sounds just like a George W Bush press conference, except instead of "America" it's "head-fi".
  20. Wow, more excuses. I wish I could say I'm surprised, but I'm not.
  21. The results speak for themselves. They're still doing the same old shit as usual. If you've been doing your fucking job, then one of several things will happen; The assholes shape up fast The assholes get slapped with the proper MoT tags The assholes get banned None of the above have taken place, which means you're not doing your job or you're really fucking incompetent.
  22. Excuses excuses. You're telling me that you can't even bring it to the attention of the admin and ask them to take action? Are you saying you can't even delete their shilling posts and send them warnings? What kind of useless mod are you?
  23. Hey asshole, why don't you go back to Head-fi and do your fucking job? Drarthorwells has made a fucking habit out of shilling shit along with ridiculing and intimidating other members, and it's all fucking documented. You make all sorts of high & lofty claims about "making Head-fi a better place", but frankly, the results suck, in fact the place gets filled with more stinking turds with each passing day. Don't presume to tell us how to do our jobs when you can't even take care of your own backyard.
  24. The feeling is mutual. You've proven to be a shameless bullshitting asshole on Head-case, I can pull up a few RSA apologist threads among other things so that everyone can see your bullshitting all over again. You act like an asshole and I don't like you, so take you shit and shove it down your throat.
  25. Sure you didn't, you lying asshole. In your own words, we're just a bunch of assholes who enjoy ganging up on t.rose, who obviously doesn't deserve the abuse. Of course, you'll now claim that's not what you meant, as usual, as you've done many times in the past. Uh-huh, you keep telling yourself that. I'm sure it helps you to sleep at night to believe that Head-case members are insecure meanies who get off by insulting people from behind the safety of a computer screen.
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