To me at least, Wilsons become more unlistenable the further up you go in their lineup. The Sophia's pretty decent (but not for what it costs) and it's all downhill from there. But others like them and are more than willing to pay the big bucks for them, so whatever.
If they don't have the Avatar OBX-R2, see if they have the standard Avatar. Same family sound and still definitely worth a listen.
Go figure, I can't figure that one out either. Of course the problem is once you move past 2-ways, running wires from the x-over box to the speakers starts to become a major pain in the ass and the cable costs can start running up real fast.
Download the sound files, crank the volume to "11", and enjoy.
I need to go find a speaker dealer with some big-ass bass horns so I can crank the fireworks recording to real life levels & get the full dynamics without clipping or compression.
The solution, clearly, is to buy a set of closed headphones to block out the beep. Or you could just run an extension cord and listen to your rig outside.
This depends on several things
The output of your cartridge The gain on your phonostage The gain of your amp
If you have enough gain in the rest of your system, then a TVC will work just fine, if not, then you'll need an active preamp to make up the gain or an amp with more gain.
A bunch of concert tickets.
Chick Corea at Massey Hall John McLaughlin & The 4th Dimention, also at Massey Hall Cowboy Junkies: Trinity Sessions Revisited, Massey Hall again Buddy Guy, yup, Massey Hall
God I love living in Toronto.
It took the stupid worthless wankers long enough.
Two years and more "why the fuck aren't they MoT's yet?" posts than I can count, and now they finally get slapped with the tags.
Of course now that you've said that without knocking on wood, you've jinxed yourself to repeat the mistake, and likely with far more dire consequences.