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Everything posted by aerius

  1. Let's just say I don't subscribe to the "cleanliness is next to godliness" axiom...
  2. Speaking of exposure and attention whoring, how about putting a nice sexy picture of yourself in your sig?
  3. A blowjob. From her mom.
  4. I wonder what would happen if a bunch of people started making references to postjack's forum on Head-fi?
  5. Thank you, I like to think that I'm truly a paragon of maturity.
  6. Apparently your life is so pathetic that you'd rather stick around and get kicked around some more. I bet you can't leave until you get banned.
  7. Good. Head-case doesn't need worthless whiny dipshit like you. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, asshat.
  8. Let me use small words, since it appears you're a dumbass with a reading comprehension problem. Having thick skin means we can rib on each other and disagree without taking things personally and getting all upset. Not tolerating asshattery means if some stupid shithead starts acting like a retard, we tell him to shut the fuck up, go fuck his pet goat, and get the fuck outta here.
  9. Upon further research I came across this from a 6moons review of another Trafomatic product: Which means I have heard Trafomatic transformers in a Korato integrated amp driving a pair of Living Voice Avatar speakers. In short, the Trafomatic transformers are pretty decent, so unless they fucked up the circuit design their headphone amp should be pretty darn good.
  10. Am I the only one who thinks magic eye tubes are cool?
  11. Donuts are your friend. The Amveco 6208X series transformers work great as parafeed or push-pull output transformers. I used them in my 6C45P and 13EM7 test builds, both were parafeed output. I think they're better than Hammonds, even though they're meant to be power transformers.
  12. Fully agree. I learned the hard way from personal experience. Better hope you have Grados and a source with a healthy output. The circuit has very little gain so with Senns or AKG's you might well run out of volume. I'd say try out the Less-pressivo, but those 6C45P tubes are pretty twitchy so you'll have to do a good job on your layout and grounding.
  13. Funny how his new name shortens to "DP", which in the porno world stands for "double penetration". One has to wonder if there's a hidden meaning behind the name change... Staying on topic, another possibility which I just remembered http://tubelab.com/TubelabSE.htm
  14. I know that feeling well. Every time I listen to metal on my Grados, I have to fight an urge to crank the volume up to "11". I'll listen a bit louder than usual, and then I'll crank it way up for my favourite song on the album. Then I take a break, cause if I don't my ears will ring all night.
  15. Should be pretty good assuming it has decent quality output transformers. As far as I know, the 6S45P is the same tube as the 6C45P, and the latter is a really nice tube which unfortunately is pretty hard to work with. If they did a half decent job it should be pretty good, and if they did a good job it'll kill most amps on the market these days.
  16. Choke loaded parafeed, with ultrapath connection and bypassed cathode. It's not something I see every day.
  17. Pleather. I have rather oily skin which makes fabric pads smell funny, and washing them is a pain in the ass. So I use pleather, which wipes clean in seconds.
  18. 5-10 minutes or so at most for my pair, though I suspect it's basically the pads warming up and sealing themselves to the side of my head & face.
  19. Questions. Can you describe your testing in some detail? What were you measuring (eg. frequency response, THD, etc.), how were you doing the measurements (eg. test signals used, level of the signals, dummy or actual loads) equipment details, and all that other stuff.
  20. And get a better PH-1!
  21. If it came in a fancier looking chassis and sold for about $300-500 more, I bet it would sell like mad.
  22. Would this be a good time to mention that my CD player is nearly 12 years old, still runs perfectly, and has yet to suffer a single glitch?
  23. http://www.vacuumstate.com/white_papers/index.htm Download the PDF files and have even more fun tweaking your vinyl rig.
  24. aerius

    Happy Turkey Day

    How to deep fry a turkey, an instructional video from the Underwriter Labs.
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