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Everything posted by aerius

  1. I haven't heard it yet, but a guy in our local audiophile group has and he was less than impressed. Our audio tastes are pretty similar, except he prefers a more neutral sound with more highs than I do, I lean towards warmness and don't care all that much about the treble, as long as it doesn't hurt my ears it's good. In his words, roughly paraphrased, "I'm pretty sure the reviewers were listening with their eyes". For $5-8k sure, why not, but it certainly isn't worth the market prices. He prefers the Wilson Benesch Discovery speakers which we've both heard a fair bit at our local dealer.
  2. In that case use large TV damper diodes such as the 6CJ3, they're quieter and can handle more current than traditional tube rectifiers like the 5AR4 without arcing over or doing other bad things.
  3. It's not just you, Merlins just suck the life & joy out of music and leave you with bland cardboard cut-out "hi-fi" crap. They're highly overrated pieces of crap in my opinion.
  4. No room in my apartment, plus the acoustics really suck ass making it a complete waste for me to own them.
  5. Fab Audio Model One Review Comments: Still in the top 3 of all the speakers I've ever heard, and I've honestly lost count of how many speakers I've listened to over the years. The Living Voice Avatar & OBX-R are slightly cleaner & less coloured, those two are my benchmark in that area. However, they can't match the resolution & detail of the Model 1 and can't come anywhere close in dynamics, especially if you want to crank the volume a bit. Model 1's are a bit faster as well and they soundstage just as well as the OBX-R, which is to say about as good as I've ever heard. You can also drive them cleanly with a 3W tube amp so the really nice tubes like 45's, 50's, and AD1's can be used, hell, I drove a friend's pair with a 1-2W tube headphone amp. As for amplifiers, sticking with EAR products, I'd much rather go with the 869 rather than the V20. I've heard both at the local dealer, the V20 looks cool but it's too much of a pain in the ass with all those fucking tubes and to me it doesn't sound any better than the 869.
  6. Fab Audio Brats Review #1 Review #2 It's not as clean and neutral as the reviews say, there's a bit of a midrange "shout" thanks to the Fostex driver and the bass is a bit slower than the rest of the speaker, but with speakers in its price range there's always a disconnect or colouration somewhere in the frequency range. Still, I think it makes the best trade-offs and compromises at its price point.
  7. No one needs to know about your masturbation habits.
  8. I read somewhere that you get your jollies from getting teabagged by your dad. Is it true that your mom also like being teabagged?
  9. Take him on a sidetrip to Thailand and pimp him out for some dough.
  10. Because back in 1988, I fucked your mom so good that she didn't want to have sex for the next few years.
  11. Just made a couple needle drops of my own for shits & giggles, it's probably my crappy Creative SB Live soundcard that's killing things but man is there ever a big difference between the original and the recording. These are used records I picked up from garage sales, flea markets, and public libraries. Setup is Dual 721 turntable with Shure V15-III cartridge --> Technics SA-5270 receiver --> Creative SB Live The Nylons - Love Potion #9 http://rapidshare.de/files/38570506/lp9.wav.html R.E.M. - Fall On Me http://rapidshare.de/files/38570546/fall.wav.html
  12. If I see one more "show your love with diamonds" commercial I'm going to puke. Because the giving of shiny rocks which were mined with slave labour in 3rd world shithole countries by companies which make Halliburton look saintly is a true show of love.
  13. What's the setup that you're using for the needle drop? Comments: The bass is ok, but frankly, everything else sucks. It sounds very flat, no depth, crappy tone, really muffled mids & highs. I hate to say it but it sounds more like AM radio than anything else.
  14. aerius

    closed cans!

    I have. R10's don't have enough bass, plus they sound like ass when I want to play metal, like Manowar or Cradle of Filth. I thereby conclude that R10's suck. The K340 doesn't suck nearly as much with metal, but it still can't rock out like my Grado 225 or RS-1. Rocking out rules.
  15. I remember some retarded assclown on HF claiming that the K701 doesn't open up until the 2000 hour mark, that's right, two thousand fucking hours. I still think the K701 is highly overrated to say the least, and I'd take a Grado SR60 over them any day, nevermind my 225 or RS-1. It's been a while since I wrote that review, and my opinion of them has only gotten worse.
  16. Maybe he meant Shaded Dog RCA...
  17. This clearly explains why a Senn 650 which has a 10' cable has more bass than my Grados which have 6.5' cables. It's so obvious now that I think of it.
  18. Gary Pimm is somewhere in the north-west as well, he's got some really cool stuff. Wright Sound is also in that area somewhere, and there's others with high-end gear from what I've seen on diyaudio. You just gotta network and find the people with all the cool gear.
  19. My stuff mid-fi at best, I'm just lucky in that there's a bunch of friendly audiophiles & high-end stores in my area so I can get a taste of the good stuff every once in a while. I get to live the high life for a half day or so every month.
  20. Bio cellulose drivers...hmmm...I wonder how long it'll be until people start pulling out the drivers and putting them in wooden housings to make a poor man's R10?
  21. Anyone who listens to music as loud as Ray does would be mostly deaf by the time they're his age.
  22. Clearly a non-Canadian who had his brain frozen into mush by our cold winters. Or maybe he was just born stupid.
  23. Football is where they play a one hour "game" so that they can show 3 hours of commercials, and most of that hour consists of men huddled in a circle or lined up on the field doing nothing.
  24. Masturbation.
  25. Parts cost alone is probably in the $5-7k range with all those transformers & chokes, add in the labour to build it by hand and the final cost is likely going to break 5 figures. As far as I can tell, the amp is quality gear and worth it. Anyways, impressions of the reel to reel tape system!
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