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Everything posted by aerius

  1. aerius

    Markl Mods

    I say even odds that Markl's mod thread will soon get edited to read "........" Wouldn't be the first time something like that's happened on Headfi.
  2. I like how a Microsoft Lottery uses a UK bank with a Yahoo email address. You'd think with all that money they have, they can get company email...
  3. I took the cover off my CD player and used the lens cleaning kit from my camera on it. The lens brush thingy fixed all the misreading problems I had when I first got my CDP and since then it's been working fine.
  4. Your net contribution to this forum is two threads filled with useless bullshit. What gives you the right to think you deserve respect?
  5. Bullshit. Maybe you'd like to explain why every single one of your posts is in a thread relating to Ultrasones.
  6. Every post by you in this thread can be summed up as "you must hear ultrasones with you own ears, go hear ultrasones", nevermind that most of us don't care to hear them. Some of us have tried them and hated them, others have better things to do with their time than listen to headphones which are not very well liked by well-respected members. And that's not even getting into your piss-poor attitude and communication skills. Why the fuck should we listen to someone comes across as a 14 year-old jackass?
  7. Then why the fuck are you on a personal crusade to push Ultrasones on everyone?
  8. Ok, update now that I've cleaned the records, these LPs are in really good shape, no scratches or scuffs, very few pops and I'm pretty sure a trip through one of those TNT vacuum machines will get rid of them.
  9. I'm still cleaning the records and haven't had a chance to listen to them yet.
  10. Or step up and buy an Airy 2.
  11. Always see the greats before they pass on, always. Once they leave this world, you'll never see them again. Jazz concert, no contest.
  12. To me they absolutely require tubes and a turntable rig, preferably with a warm fat sounding cartridge to give it more fullness and punch. Even with a Capitole or Simaudio Andromeda and some of the best amps money can't buy, they don't quite do it for me. I just like the RS-1 & PS-1 sound a lot more.
  13. I wouldn't. The HP-2 is great on a technical level, but the presentation leaves me wanting. It's like a flawless supermodel who won't get intimate or sleep with you. The RS-1 is like a cute GF who fucks you silly every night till you can't pee straight. She may not be perfect, but she's a hell of a lot more satisfying.
  14. You're just doing that 'cause you want to get in her pants.
  15. I'd say the problem is our fans are too good, no matter how much the Leafs suck the ACC is always sold out so there's no incentive for the owners & management to improve the team. The Leafs could finish dead last for 5 years and the ACC will still be sold out every single night. If Toronto fans actually stopped going to the games, then management will actually start thinking about building a good team to get the fans back. Of course, there's the other problem of the Leafs being majority owned by the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, those dumbasses don't know a goddamn thing about hockey.
  16. It's even worse in Toronto, and our team completely sucks ass. The only reason I can even get tickets to a game is because my GF's friend's brother plays for the Leafs, so once in a while they can pass us a couple extra friends & family tickets. I love watching hockey, but not the Leafs since they skate like slugs and all they do is dump & chase the puck since they have so few skill players. Watching say, Ottawa & Montreal go at it is a whole different story, pure end to end action, brilliant passes and moves along with great goals. It's a much more exciting & enjoyable game.
  17. It's probably my 2nd or 3rd favourite, behind Royal Spa. They give great massages.
  18. It's used, on the 'gon. If you don't like it, you just flip it for the cost of shipping.
  19. Or bump up the gain of the amp itself.
  20. Let me make this clear for you. You're not welcome here. Go back to Head-fi or wherever you hang out until your balls drop or you grow a brain, whichever comes first. Run along now.
  21. http://youtube.com/watch?v=W3FXcDRjtdk
  22. You just don't get it do you? You come in here, make a big scene, make "jokes" that aren't funny, and you expect to be accepted. What kind of social retard are you?
  23. That's what I said to your mom when she offered me a $5 blowjob. I have standards, man.
  24. RS-1 is clearly the new FOTM.
  25. Put options, lots of put options. I, for one, welcome a financial sector meltdown.
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