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Everything posted by aerius

  1. FDIC starting salary is around $45k a year, going all the way up to ~$160k for the senior case examiners. My cousin used to work there and was pulling in $80k a year easy in a mid level position, plus the benefits are pretty much the best that you can get in the US.
  2. Stay the fuck away from computers unless you eat, sleep, live, and breathe computers, otherwise, you'll grow to hate it by the time you're a year into your classes. My degree is in Comp Sci, I thought I liked computers, by the time 4th year came around I couldn't wait to graduate and get the fuck away from anything related to the damn things. Job prospects aren't on an upswing either since we're headed into a long & bad recession. In terms of accounting, I have a feeling the IRS and FDIC will be in need of a lot of forensics & investigative accountants once the current wave of investment banking & lending fraud starts getting prosecuted. The FDIC's already hiring and once the subpeonas start flying the IRS and FBI will be looking to hire as well.
  3. A lot more selling than buying actually since I'm one of those damn dirty shorters.
  4. Woke up, had breakfast, made sure my trading accounts had lots of dry powder, then started an epic day of daytrading.
  5. aerius

    slow forum

    Saw this one one another forum
  6. Astroglide. Ok, serious answer, try some silicone lube on the moving parts, that should stop the creaks and squeeks.
  7. We have a winner. In the long term the suburbs are fucked, period. People won't be able to afford living there unless they're fucking rich, they can move closer to their workplaces or end up in seriously massive debt. People won't be able to afford blowing through several gallons of gas for grocery runs & other errands in addition to their commutes, and futhermore, stores in the suburbs will be out of stock on items since truckers won't be able to afford the diesel to drive the goods out into the boonies. Anything that's not near an urban centre, rail line, or river barge or ship accessible is boned.
  8. It's a capacitor for a car subwoofer system, no idea what the digital readouts are for. Probably so it can blink and look bling or something.
  9. Went grocery shopping. Walked into an automatic door which refused to open. Realized that I'd tried to walk out the in door. Slept and listened to music for the rest of the day since I was clearly a hazard to myself.
  10. I'd say yes, or at least close enough to mint that it wouldn't matter. If the turntable's setup right and the records are kept nice & clean, they're good for hundreds of plays.
  11. You know what's fun? You can test out your Harbeths with a test recording made by the Harbeth designer himself. Linky to the post. You'll need the MP3Pro codec for winamp to play it at full quality. The interview & discussion is also quite informative.
  12. I would tell you to eat my shit, but frankly you're not worthy of that. But feel free to suck down my dog's diarrhea.
  13. Yup, that's about right. If you're worried about an overly high reflected impedance on the primary side, you can always stick a resistor in parallel with the headphones on the secondary. For instance, on my amp the impedance ratio is roughly 1000:1, so with a 400 ohm K340 on the secondary the tubes see 400k ohms. So I stick a 33 ohm resistor on the secondary to bring it down to a more reasonable value.
  14. 1) It's "you're" as in "you are" not "your". Unless by "your right" you refer to my right to exercise free speech and call you a fucking idiot. 2) I don't see this ending well for you for some reason. 3) There isn't an amp you can buy which'll make us happy, if you think there is one, you are truly a clueless twat.
  15. I'm pretty marginal in terms of fit as well, the headphones sit a bit too loose on my head and I have to be pretty careful in moving my head around or else the damn things fall off. Bending in the metal rail thingys and installing a shorter headband helped, but it's still not the greatest fit.
  16. That explains that little issue...
  17. My avatar refuses to show up for me. It loads up fine on the User CP panel, but not on any of my actual posts on the forum. Reload, clearing cache, and the other usual browser reset tricks don't work.
  18. I think it ate all the non-mod/admin custom titles.
  19. I ended up making a new headband out of some fabric scraps and polyester matting I had lying around. In my case the stock headband was deformed a bit and sat on my head at a weird angle which just felt wrong, so I broke out the sewing machine and made a new one. Some people have been swapping the headband with ones off K501's and other more recent AKG headphones and reported good results, that might be something to look into along with rebending things a bit.
  20. Today was a glorious day of doing nothing. I woke up and ate, then slept some more, then repeated the cycle again.
  21. Vote Cthulhu for president! I mean, how can you argue with a policy like this? Q)How will Cthulhu deal with a strongly bipartisan Congress? How does Cthulhu plan to deal with the budget deficit? Has Cthulhu yet chosen a running mate? If so, who is it, and from whence did it come? Given that the candidate is now dead and dreaming in the Pacific, what measures will be taken to speed its awakening should it be elected president? A) Cthulhu will have no problem dealing with Congress, as they will be the first to be eaten. The budget deficit will shrink drastically once Cthulhu cuts unnecessary spendings like Defense, Welfare and Social Security. Mass support of Cthulhu will raise the its awareness of the need to take control of our suffering country, and should lead to its return. The Great Cthulhu will awaken in time to take its presidential oath.
  22. Ain't going nowhere, it's a token gesture at best. It'll die on the floor anyway and everyone knows it.
  23. Prima DAC, go for it. Prima CD player, not really, I'd advise saving up a bit more money and stepping up to a used Capitole on audiogon.
  24. I think it'll be more like zombie Beethoven by now...
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