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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Grahame


    Meanwhile ... This article https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-to-live-in-san-francisco-without-spending-any-money-1525029628 Referenced this site: http://www.vcfml.com/ "VC Fund My Life" Cross Reference with https://www.crunchbase.com/ Peak Stupidity?
  2. Fish & Chips Fish & Not Chips On the deck @ Sams Anchor Cafe , Tiburon
  3. Breakfast Pizza with added Bacon
  4. Where YUM = Calories?
  5. Meanwhile ... The important music news http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-43924609
  6. 2nd Breakfast?
  7. Condolences. RIP Gryphon.
  8. Dessert, Black currant and lime pie
  9. Beer/Usual ā€˜Nā€™ Curry
  10. Techie lab learn lunch Catered by https://dishdash.com/
  11. Have you stocked up on peacock feathers yet?
  12. Did someone give him permission to die?
  13. Happy Birthday, Jeffy!
  14. Those peek-a-boo tubes look like they want to come out and play at startup, you know, like ...
  15. Pitchfork article https://pitchfork.com/news/high-definition-vinyl-is-happening-possibly-as-early-as-next-year/ The slashdot comments seem to echo your view https://yro.slashdot.org/story/18/04/12/2320221/high-definition-vinyl-is-coming-as-early-as-next-year a couple of choice ones "This scheme is a shoe-in for the 2018 "polished turd of the year" award." " Or.. now hear me out on this one... or ... we could just, you know, send the digitally converted audio, you know, without converting it back into a bumpy piece of plastic. I know this might sound radical, but it seems to me that converting analog sound to digital format then to a digital 3d map then to a laser-cut stamper then to a piece of bumpy vinyl then to a vibrating stylus and into a varying electrical current to drive an amplification system to run the speakers that you listen to might just be a little more complicated than just taking the digital format for storage and transport and converting that back into analog sound at playback."
  16. Meanwhile ... https://hdvinyl.org/ "In 2016, Mr. Loibl had this crazy idea to make vinyl records with lasers :-) We simply called it HD Vinyl." Really?
  17. Meanwhile ... $2.2K iem https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2018/4/12/17228998/ue-live-in-ear-headphones uhuh http://pro.ultimateears.com/uelive cool What are they saying again ? "social visual"? oops
  18. fiber optic cable from LED to knob?
  19. Dessert is served!
  20. Dinner is served
  21. About to: (Sous vided) Rack of pork
  22. Happy Birthday, Tyler! Thank you for your service.
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. Maybe that's just the reality of the consumer market dichotomy. A race to the bottom for commodity goods where (lowest) price is everything, and the remaining non-price sensitive, cost no object 1%. Where do high quality, value for money goods fit in that world?
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