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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. You could always try making one yourself http://www.grouprecipes.com/40893/lobster-reuben.html
  2. Can Jam was a blast, and thanks to some prior research on chowhound we ate well without breaking the bank. As for the lobster reuben, be careful what you wish for ... You can order one from the source ... http://store.keysfisheries.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=9 and they ship by FedEx Priority Overnight ... http://keysfisheries.com/shipping.html And then finish off with a (Key Lime) pie on a stick! http://www.blondgiraffe.com/piepop.htm
  3. It was great to meet all the best head cases at CJ08, but you missed out the post CJ08 food. e.g. Great Fish by the water Lobster Reuben! Best Burger in the World?
  4. http://maps.google.com/maps?client=firefox-a&hl=en&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=37.986492,-122.584586&spn=0.000985,0.001824&z=19 I think you can just make out Al asking for a "what not"
  5. You do realise that the previous post was the work of a NWO/Orpheus owning impostor!
  6. MAyBerRy On AcId BiTches!!! AcID!!! acid... ACiD!!! MaybErry... Yup..
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