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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Curses! Foiled again!, If it hadn't been for you meddling kids...
  2. Given the number of What are you *ing, Now? posts/threads, is Head Case the new Twitter? Discuss. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter Is someone who posts on Twitter a twit?
  3. If Stacy is coming, Joanne would be pleased to spend time with her in The City (SF) or the north bay.
  4. Vmware player. http://www.vmware.com/products/player/ Ubuntu 8.04 http://www.vmware.com/appliances/directory/1224 etc, etc http://www.vmware.com/appliances/
  5. Yeah, just firing up a preconfigured image in vmware player takes all the fun out of it
  6. This is one of the the design/engineering trade-offs/wins for a current (gas) hybrid depending on your driving regime. If it is lots of urban stop-start driving, then storing energy from regenerative braking as you stop, killing the engine so it doesn't idle, and starting on stored energy before restarting the engine makes sense, and is a win vs just having a (gas) engine. If your driving is mostly cruising on the highway then adding all the extra mass, complexity and cost vs a simple diesel could be considered a fail One of the biggest wins is providing feedback to the driver as to their instantaneous/cumulative fuel consumption (e.g MPG in big digits, right in their face). Curiously some people then modify their driving style to minimize consumption/maximize m.p.g when presented with such information - e.g. the hyper-milers. Maybe presenting this as cost per mile, or cost consumed would provide an even bigger incentive. Or there is the "Dodge" way - why invest in economy oriented R+D when you can buy customer loyalty with a "$2.99 Gas Guarantee". Just don't try thinking about the depreciation on residual value when it comes to an end. Ouch.
  7. Here's a real world test between a Prius + and a current (Euro spec) BMW diesel. http://driving.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/driving/used_car_reviews/article3552994.ece or what's the ROI on going hybrid. http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2007/autos/0711/gallery.hybrids_that_pay/index.html
  8. 65. Direct access to some nice trails. The change in elevation to get to retail etc is "challenging". The closest POI? M & G Burgers 0.16 Mi The Important stuff? Peet's? Coffee & Tea 1.06 Mi or "we serve Peet's blends ..." Woodlands Market 0.52 Mi The expand all option is good for ideas if you just fancy a walk an want somewhere to go.
  9. Solder outside in a well ventilated area? I intend to do all my work on the deck. Same reason the BBQ is out there, not inside.
  10. You could always try making one yourself http://www.grouprecipes.com/40893/lobster-reuben.html
  11. Can Jam was a blast, and thanks to some prior research on chowhound we ate well without breaking the bank. As for the lobster reuben, be careful what you wish for ... You can order one from the source ... http://store.keysfisheries.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=9 and they ship by FedEx Priority Overnight ... http://keysfisheries.com/shipping.html And then finish off with a (Key Lime) pie on a stick! http://www.blondgiraffe.com/piepop.htm
  12. It was great to meet all the best head cases at CJ08, but you missed out the post CJ08 food. e.g. Great Fish by the water Lobster Reuben! Best Burger in the World?
  13. http://maps.google.com/maps?client=firefox-a&hl=en&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=37.986492,-122.584586&spn=0.000985,0.001824&z=19 I think you can just make out Al asking for a "what not"
  14. You do realise that the previous post was the work of a NWO/Orpheus owning impostor!
  15. MAyBerRy On AcId BiTches!!! AcID!!! acid... ACiD!!! MaybErry... Yup..
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