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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. The missing subtext here is that drives fail, and that (inevitable?) failure should be planned for. To do otherwise seems hubristic.
  2. Because there are only two types of hard drives in the world? Those that have failed. Those that haven't failed. Yet.
  3. Grahame

    slow forum

  4. Cute and Welsh Sound at the concert was pretty good, and she can certainly belt them out, when she wants to. Joanne enjoyed it, and it was a good end to a very pleasant afternoon. If you have Rockferry, you were there, except for the addition of which she informed us is getting UK radio play. see what you think. zSHARE - 01 Rain On Your Parade.mp3
  5. Grahame

    slow forum

  6. Grahame

    slow forum

  7. Better resource for audio frequency Audio frequency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Which tells us that someone built A Contrabass that plays a 4Hz Tone Kudos to aerius for being aware of the 16.35Hz B
  8. That P. T. Barnum was an optimist?
  9. Why not just end the debate, and use a software tone generator, say like ►►Test Tone Generator Software for Windows / Function and White Pink Noise Generator and generate tones of the exact frequency you desire, or a series so you can find the threshold of interest. Or, in case your computer hardware is the limiting factor, get a real hardware tone generator, for some real "old school" analog sine waves. You must know some one with access to physics / electronic test gear? Failing that, do you have a Theremin handy?
  10. Grahame

    slow forum

  11. But surely, the Harbeth logo should be on the outer edge, not the inner edge, of the monitors, if you want to widen the soundstage? Seriously, Sweeeeet rig. And you still get billable work done?
  12. Grahame

    slow forum

  13. Then the Palin Interview simulator would probably do your blood pressure no favo(u)rs.
  14. Grahame

    slow forum

    Missed The Debate? don't fret, you can get the chance to interview Sarah yourself. Interview Sarah Palin - InterviewPalin.com Realistic? You Betcha' Brought to you by the magic of Markov Chains. As described in the About link About These Interviews
  15. I'd wish you luck, but some people think You Make Your Own Luck, while others just want your money; May you get the outcome you desire.
  16. In times of crisis, there is often a flight to precious metals, such as gold, silver, and copper-jacketed lead. Can I interest you in some real estate? Missile Bases :: 20th Century Castles, Unique underground properties.
  17. Falling Knife Investing | Investing in Falling Stocks | Falling Stocks
  18. "Past Performance is No Guarantee of Future Results"
  19. Suitably entertaining, and they have some fun scenery to play in. Hmm, Maybach Headphones. Remember to engage Final Gear.
  20. Top Gear Australia, [01x01]
  21. Given that there was a(n internal) definition for Ninja Loans, (No Income, No Job, And no assets) I think we can say that some people were well aware they were engaging in predatory (mortgage) lending, yet still carried on. Commission driven sales tend to motivate the salesperson, not necessarily with the buyers best interests at heart.
  22. So when people make decisions, and they are de-coupled from the consequences of their decisions they have less incentive to care? In economics, this is known as an externality: the cost of a decision that is borne by people other than those taking the decision. For example - politicians who only care about being re-elected. The long term problems they create, are a problem, not for them, but for their successors. Fund managers - driven by quarterly results, and their bonus assessment based on quarterly results. Then jumping ship after getting that fat bonus. It is short term thinking divorced from long term consequences. Buy Now!, pay later. But as John Maynard Keynes said "Long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead."
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