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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. SF Bay Area Meet in Marin -- Saturday, October 18, 2008 For those of you who can't make it down to LA, as a warm up to Burning Amp, and as the 2nd Anniversary of the 2006 Marin Meet, we are holding the first state wide meet in Stereo! Date: Saturday 18th October Time: 10:00 am until lights out (i.e., late) Location: Larkspur at the top of Skylark Drive I have secured the apartment complex activity room. The venue is located close to 101 (from North / South) and the 580 Richmond Bridge (from the east). This google map location shows the room, which is just southeast of the pool (try zooming out in hybrid mode to get the context): Top of skylark drive Details on location and directions will follow in this post or by PM. The room is approx. 600 sq. ft. There are 6 sockets in three outlets, so some significant power strips will be needed--bring what you can. There are two trestle tables and one low coffee table. There are 14 folding chairs and one couch. Please PM me or post any folding chairs or tables you can bring so we can keep track. There is guest parking within 20 paces of the room, and if more room is required there is additional parking down the street. We will keep an open loading/unloading spot near the room and I can shuttle people to/from additional parking spots if necessary. Local supermarkets are close by for supplies. Local eateries range from inexpensive to high end. We might organize a dinner trip as we did in Saratoga, or we could order/pick up and eat at the complex. So, stand up and be counted. The next post will be the attendee and gear lists, so either post in the thread or PM me with your availability (definite or maybe will do) and what you are going to bring. Please be clear with your gear and identify what you will bring in the following categories: phones, amps, sources, cables, miscellany. I will update Post #2 as often as possible, so please be patient. Tell your Head-Friends and we'll see you all on October 18th!
  2. Porn and the Art of Vacuum TubeFabrication - Weblog - Mxrk Now that's what I call DIY
  3. Cheap Enough for you? Monoprice USB A to mini-B 5pin cable - 15FT $1.70
  4. Well, Squeezecenter 7.2 is out today, with support for the Boom, and judging by the Logitech Squeezebox Boom Audio Design White Paper (PDF), given the mass market cost constraints, they have put some thought into it. Bi-amped with software/digital crossovers hmm. It will be interesting to see how it sounds.
  5. Grahame

    Burning Amp!

    Check out the photos of the Burning Amp Festival 2007 for a taste of what went on.
  6. Grahame

    Burning Amp!

    I've just reserved the Rec. Room for "All Day" Saturday October 18th, so that's the venue secured. We just need to decide on the format, and the synergy with Burning Amp. Only a month and a half to go ...
  7. Grahame

    Burning Amp!

    I'd second the comments of the the OP. I attended last years burning amp and had a great time. Given the its origins via diyaudio.com emphasis was on DIY, for sources, amps and speakers. There was an international contingent, and some serious effort had been expended on what was on display (including prior all-nighters to get things up and running in time - the solder was still warm on some of the equipment). The attendees were a great bunch, and a good time was had by all. The venue looks even nicer this time, having several rooms, and I won't even have to cross a bridge to get there. I put forward the idea to Voltron/Al that since it is happening on a sunday, I could host a head-case/other place related meet on the saturday, for those that were in the area, and interested in the headphone side of things, since I'm just up the road, and my apartment complex has a 600 sq ft rec room we could use for the meet. In any event the weekend should be a lot of fun.
  8. Surely the correct quote is Wretched hive of scum and villainy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbF1yvrpiXg&feature=related And don't call you Shirley?
  9. "Do, or do not. There is no try"
  10. So , I expect you were thinking to yourself Nigel Tufnel like It's like, how much more black could this be? and the answer is none. None more black. But you'd be wrong
  11. You haven't been playing with your retro-encabulator have you? or do you have an original Turboencabulator
  12. Historical Music Charts Archive - At Billboard.com You Can Explore Music History That takes you to Billboard.com - Year End Charts - Year-end Albums - The Billboard 200 which takes you to, ah I see the problem. They want you to give them money. Billboard.BIZ lots of money Music Research - White Papers - Legal Documents - Billboard.biz
  13. You forgot the beefcake shot, comrade and if you cross him, you may find Polonium in your diet.
  14. Grahame

    First Post

    Welcome. Obviously the traitor was unfamiliar with all the rules.
  15. Funny t-shirts, Funny shirts, Crazy t-shirts, Crazy shirts, Cool t-shirts, Cool shirts?
  16. Isn't that the definition of a (non) meet?
  17. Nibbler, the bearded dragon? * Paging Dr Freud, Paging Dr Freud *
  18. CJ, You may not appreciate it now, but you had a good day in the grand scheme of things. There will come a time when your parents are no longer around. You will miss them. You will wish you had spent more time with them when they were around. You get to keep the memories of this trip. At some point all you will have is the memories. Cherish them.
  19. Didn't you know warm air sounds better than cold air. It's also less dense, so the sound waves have an easier time traveling, and thus aren't so tired out by the time they reach your ears, and who doesn't prefer energetic sound waves to fatigued ones, or something
  20. Why does burn-in only ever improve the sound, and never make it worse? How does it know when to stop? Some cynics have argued that its just a sneaky ploy by vendors to overcome buyers remorse - keep it for a while, and you'll convince yourself you like it, especially after spending all that money on it. After all, who wants to feel foolish for spending so much on something they don't like Happy 4th.
  21. Grahame

    slow forum

    In case you missed it in the CJ Thread http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKt_o6AflbI It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all. It's a small, small, world. Now try getting it out of your head
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKt_o6AflbI&amp It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all. It's a small world after all. It's a small, small, world.
  23. Make sure you go on the "it's a small world" ride. It will leave you with lasting musical memories
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