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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Grahame

    slow forum

    Like This ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0LkwLnyCuk
  2. Now that's what I call dedication to the cause. Will there be matching reports/reviews for AVN, or is it a (head) case of What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?
  3. Grahame

    slow forum

    or post #4090 in this thread http://www.head-case.org/forums/193811-post4090.html
  4. Grahame

    CanJam 2009

    A burbling V8 Convertible, the sun in your face, the wind in your hair, a blonde by your side ... Monterey, Carmel, 17 Mile drive, Pacific Grove, Bixby Bridge, Big Sur, CA-1, Hearst Castle, Thursday Night Farmers Market and Bubblegum Alley in SLO, Clam Chowder at Splash Cafe in Pismo Beach, A Danish in Solvang, Cold Spring tavern and Guzziguy in SB. All this AND Can Jam 2009 - whats not to like!
  5. Grahame

    slow forum

    ^ ^ I'm not a 14 year old girl, (I don't even play one on the internet, Officer) but Rickrolling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu_moia-oVI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvUiLtwlEl8 Kids today, eh?
  6. Oz and James Drink to Britain The odd couple - the self-proclaimed wine ponce Oz Clarke and the scruffy petrolhead James May - set off on an extended pub crawl around Britain, driving a Rolls-Royce Corniche convertible and towing a caravan behind them. Their purpose “is to find the drinks that speak to modern Britain”. Yeah, right. At first, May is reluctant to make a fuss about beer. “It's like intellectualising sausages,” he says. “It's a simple drink for people who want to get on with something useful.” But after a few pints, he's up for anything, comparing the hoppy quality of a beer to “the sweetness of a nymph being chased by a Viking of bitterness”. As always with these two, their enjoyment is contagious.
  7. Oh dear, so much for all those no new gear in 2009 resolutions. Yet another reason to add to the long list of reasons to attend CanJam 2009. Who will be the first to acquire a pair in the Bay Area, and when will the first HD800 Enabled meet be? Inquiring minds want to know!
  8. Happy Birthday. Have a good one.
  9. Dieting as an engineering problem The engineer in you may like to consider The Hacker's Diet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Hacker's Diet
  10. from http://www.votefraud.org/josef_stalin_vote_fraud_page.htm Not that I'm comparing you to Uncle Joe, you understand
  11. Grahame

    slow forum

    Don't let your T-Shirt become a self fulfilling prophecy From The Smoking Gun via The Daily Telegraph Any thoughts for the next head case T-shirt slogan to avoid in light of the above?
  12. Grahame

    CanJam 2009

    Tough call, trying to keep all the people happy, all the time. How close can another meet be to the annual, in time and space, before it is seen as diluting the draw of the main meet? At least, now, we have a fixed(?) location and date, so can avoid stepping on peoples toes.
  13. Happy Birthday to yet another lucky Head Caser who gets a Public Holiday to recover, unless you plan on spending time in the basement ....
  14. Grahame

    CanJam 2009

    So, will there be Booth Babes at CamJam 2009?
  15. Another Happy Birthday to add to the pile.
  16. Happy Birthday Guzziguy! Have a good one, and you even get a Public Holiday to recover. How cool is that.
  17. Grahame

    slow forum

    or ... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pXfHLUlZf4]YouTube - Jizz In My Pants[/ame]
  18. Take a look at this post in this thread at the other place
  19. When I first came to the US, I was surprised at the dominance of Top Loaders, which, from a European perspective, I considered to be obsolete technology, along with bleach - which is something your mother used, before the advent of enzymes or "biological" washing powders. [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laundry_detergent]Laundry detergent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] It is only recently that that high-tech European Style newfangled front loaders seem to have caught on over here. More information than you ever wanted to know over at [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washing_machines]Washing machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] , or from this convert A Better Way to do Laundry - What Should You Know About Front Load Washing Machines? - Epinions.com
  20. Grahame

    slow forum

    And only end up with with 1 billable step, rather than three?
  21. Grahame

    slow forum

    Copy Image Location Paste Image Location into text editor Wonder what http://.../Row_Vs._WadextqDetail.png means
  22. Then Who is Number 1? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMLH8vB9zZ8
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