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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. " Audio editor packages such as Wavelab already offer 'audio file comparer' functions that simply subtract one file from another. This is handy for checking that two files are identical (to see if S/PDIF I/O is bit-transparent, for instance, or that the bypass button on a plug-in really does what it claims), but Audio Diffmaker's Extract function is far more sophisticated. When evaluating analogue gear it can also compensate for tiny audio-interface sample-rate drift between the 'before' and 'after' recordings, or gain changes due to different cables or gear warm-up, so you only hear more subtle modifications. Still, for best results you should warm up analogue gear for several hours before starting test runs." from Happy Birthday Vista: How Was It For You?
  2. Have you tried using Audio DiffMaker It's use lead to some interesting conclusions here Attention Audio Mythbusters! - Squeezebox : Community : Forums
  3. The excitement of Cam Jam getting to you then?
  4. Grahame

    CanJam 2009

    Ask [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_cat]Schr
  5. Grahame

    CanJam 2009

  6. Grahame

    CanJam 2009

    Almost as far as this man Is anyone from the UK attending Canjam? - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio According to Distance Calculator: How Far Is It? — Infoplease.com Hastings, United Kingdom (Populated Place, United Kingdom) -> Los Angeles, California (Populated Place) = 5507.5 Miles Aomori, Japan (Railroad Station, Japan) -> Los Angeles, California (Populated Place) = 5245.3 Miles I think we have a winner! So whats with all the "I have a family" or "It's too far" excuses now
  7. Grahame

    CanJam 2009

    There's a T-Shirt for that! The Liver is Evil- It Must Be Punished T-Shirt, Humor T-Shirt, Funny T-Shirts
  8. Twisted pair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  9. Grahame

    CanJam 2009

    North Beach Strip Clubs in Adult Entertainment on Citysearch
  10. Take the legal advice offered and have a great day. Happy Birthday!
  11. Grahame

    slow forum

    While we're here ShamWow Guy In Slap, Chop Bust - March 27, 2009 ShamWow Guy in Jail - CollegeHumor Video NSFW-ish ...
  12. Remember, The needs of the many... ... or the one
  13. Grahame


    Enjoy a FREE beverage, when you buy one for a friend. Peet's Coffee & Tea Drink Coupon Bring this coupon to a participating Peet's location through May 31, 2009 to receive a free beverage with the purchase of beverage. (See offer details and location exclusions below) Enjoy!
  14. Will you be modeling the new seasons collection at Can Jam?
  15. I hope you used https://www.annualcreditreport.com/cra/index.jsp as described The Federal Trade Commission's Information on Free Annual Credit Reports as opposed to that "just because it's on TV..." FreeCreditReport.com | Free Credit Report and Credit Score Online by Experian * *When you order your free report here, you will begin your free trial membership in Triple AdvantageSM Credit Monitoring. If you don't cancel your membership within the 7-day trial period**, you will be billed $14.95 for each month that you continue your membership.
  16. I was thinking more of liberated audio files, for playback on another device.
  17. No DVD-Audio Love? If you're a DVD-Audio Explorer they make a great hi-rez digital source, so I'm told
  18. Why not just get something designed for the task. Medical exam table (ob-gyn table) - Great Condition! oh, you wanted a table, table
  19. A delay of HD 800's
  20. Grahame

    slow forum

    Related to? DEA Agent Who Shot Self In Foot Sues Uncle Sam - April 11, 2006 Better than this though http://darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin2000-04.html Plenty of 'em around http://cgi.darwinawards.com/cgi/search.pl?keywords=category%3Dgun&swishindex=stories.data&show_description=yes&maxdisplay=10&maxresults=50
  21. Inspired by recent goings on in the Slow Forum thread, I was reminded of the joy that are Collective Nouns. There are plenty of examples out there, both real and imagined. Any that you particularly like, or are apposite for this forum or its members? Some I could think of were An asylum of head-casers. A dazzle of Justin's Designs. A of Ray Samuels Designs ? For the brits amongst us, given recent economic developments A wunch of bankers. For the Developers: [*]Collection<Object> Maybe Vicki has a few favo(u)rites from her former professional role. Some links to get you thinking The Collective Noun Page Collective Nouns
  22. I'm reminded of ...
  23. Douglas; ^ what they said, but more than that, what they meant.
  24. How better to demonstrate you audiophile Golden Eared cred, than being able to hear distinct differences that aren't Was that with or without the use of an audiophile USB Cable? we should be told! Otherwise how can treat this as a credible review
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