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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. More interesting speculation for the upcoming WWDC Apple: fix the web. Kill the ads. Everyone will follow, even the whiny bloggers. How Apple could slay Google at WWDC 2010 — RoughlyDrafted Magazine
  2. Very interesting, care to let us know the specs of your selected configuration? (I played, ooh that looks nice on the Dell site and got it up to $4k of play money)
  3. Grahame

    Canjam 2010.

    ^^^Head Case,
  4. Grahame

    slow forum

    No Jail Time For Man Arrested In Captain America Costume BERVARD COUNTY, Fla. -- The Brevard County doctor who was arrested for groping a woman while dressed as Captain America with a burrito in his pants will not go to jail. No Jail Time For Man Arrested In Captain America Costume - News Story - WFTV Orlando via : MAN WHO GROPED WOMAN WHILE DRESSED AS CAPTAIN AMERICA WITH BURRITO IN HIS PANTS WILL NOT BE CHARGED more details : Captain America Arrested With Burrito In Pants - News Story - WFTV Orlando Doctors, eh?
  5. Grahame

    Canjam 2010.

    ^ Indeed Not Forgetting Superdawg (fear the spooky eyes)
  6. Lobster Ravioli, from Costco
  7. How could you forget CEntrance DACport USB Headphone Amp Reviews - Head-Fi.org Community
  8. Grahame

    slow forum

    You forgot
  9. Opinions vary ( see the epic thread Costco selling Hyatt Check Certificates (Not Applicable to Pre-paid Rates) - FlyerTalk Forums for more opinions ) . If it works, good. If not, i kept the receipt, so can take them back to Costco for a full refund. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Edit: looks like I was both lucky, and a mere amateur http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/13977023-post1058.html . Someone understands the concept of arbitrage (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitrage)
  10. Bunch of 2 x $50 Hyatt Check Certificatestm for $79.99 from Costco in SF to help with CJ. Every little helps. Any prospective savings were offset by excessive unplanned purchases at said Costco.* *We'll just get a few things we need. ooh, these are a real bargain ... we could do with some of these ... . At checkout ... how did that just happen?
  11. Concur. Martial Music. Screwdrivers. Police Whistles. All makes Sense now
  12. So, is it more or The Horror!, The Horror!
  13. Because they don't care about you. They (and their shareholders) only care about ARPU? Average revenue per user - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  14. And more money left over for Hookers and Blow audio! And washing them more than once a year (whether they need it or not) eliminates that embarrassing "What's that smell?" question
  15. Grahame

    slow forum

    The one wearing the assless chaps, back to front?
  16. Grahame

    Canjam 2010.

    Or avoid consuming excess calories post purchase?
  17. For all you non-1337 (Urban Dictionary: leet , Leet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Script kiddie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia haXorz Default Password List Default Router Passwords - The internets most comprehensive router password database
  18. Grahame

    slow forum

    London 2012: Olympic mascots Wenlock and Mandeville unveiled - Telegraph and remember, don't have nightmares, Children
  19. ^ Will you be bringing any to CJ so we can check them out, Beely?
  20. Which is fine, as long as you don't wan't HyperCard on your iPad. No HyperCard for the iPad | MacNews The iPad needs its HyperCard - O'Reilly Radar http://www.runrev.com/company/runrev-blog/revmobile-and-apples-iphone-sdk-agreement
  21. Sometimes, boring is preferable to the alternative. May you live in interesting times - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  22. Wow, Vicki, Knucks., Hopefully one day (and hopefully sooner rather than later) you be able to look back and say "my, how we laughed" Until then feel free to share the drama, if it helps. Maybe Jean-Paul Sartre was onto something when he said "l'enfer, c'est les autres" (Hell is other people)* * HC excepted. perhaps
  23. more like Computer Audio Asylum - Squeezebox Touch announced - John Swenson - September 03, 2009 at 23:52:12 Hard facts supporting the quality of Touch digital out. - Squeezebox : Community : Forums
  24. Grahame

    Canjam 2010.

    HC - We will Shoot you, Stab you with our finely honed knives, and if that doesn't work control your head. Fear Us!
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