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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Grahame

    slow forum

  2. This one? I think the JH-16's / JH3-A might be overkill for this.
  3. Grahame

    slow forum

    I was only trying to help. Please go back and (re-)read the edited instructions. Guess your feel-good, one with the universe, flashback is over now
  4. Grahame

    slow forum

    Like This In the tool bar look for the film clip icon (to the right of the image icon), with the "Insert Video" tool tip, click it, and then insert your youtube (or other video) URL in the Insert Video Clip pop-up dialog that appears. Your video will then appear inline ( Supported videos include: Hulu YouTube Vimeo Dailymotion Metacafe Google facebook )
  5. Yep, There would have been plenty of "Can I have My Bike Back, Please?" Banners The Longest Days: Can I have my bike back please?
  6. And they you can watch them thanks to this! https://www.trytvhat.com/flare/next%3Cb%3EFlare%3C/b%3E/next?etag=asotv
  7. And it couldn't have happened to a nicer team, if I may say so. If only there was a word for feeling a kind of guilty joy at someone else's misfortune?
  8. Grahame

    slow forum

  9. Got back from my internet free weekend away. Didn't feel it's loss, as it was replaced with great friends, great food, and great weather. The scenery wasn't too shabby. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3337[/ATTACH] On the way there and back, we indulged ourselves at Wild Flour Bread Bakery - Wood Fired Brick Oven Baked Bread - Wildflour Freestone [ATTACH=CONFIG]3340[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]3338[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]3339[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]3341[/ATTACH] On the way there, managed to get there in time before the Sticky Buns ran out (to take with us - it makes great French toast ) . Shared a Lavender Ginger White Chocolate, and Chocolate Coconut Almond Marzipan Scone with Joanne over Tea and Coffee. On the way back stocked up with (for the week ahead) ,and sampled over coffee, the White Chocolate and Cranberry, The Mocha and Cream Cheese, and the Apricot Orange Scones. As Joanne said, This place should not be allowed to exist!
  10. Happy First Half Century Sir!, Here's to the Next! Is there Life On Mars?
  11. Happy Birthday Big Fella!
  12. Watched Germany trounce Argentena, then got ready to go away and stay with some folks over the long weekend, at a location, where currently they have no internet access!. Nice location though. Utopia by the Sea - NYTimes.com
  13. ^ Street Countdown: It's like normal countdown, but its on the street!
  14. All Good Architecture leaks FLW's buildings seem to have leaky roofs. When a client complained, he is supposed to have said "Thats what happens when you leave a work of art out in the rain". See also Modern Architecture and Complaints about the Weather, or,
  15. ^Ed, Comments on the Lard Fries (we don't need no stinkin' Duck Fat) ? And the mirrors?
  16. ^ Congrat Duggeh. And yes, surpisingly, that is their real name. Daftmill Distillery
  17. Congrat Ric, Treat yourself to a JH-13! ... oh, wait.
  18. Habby Burpday!
  19. Grahame

    slow forum

    Legal Opinion sought Q: Is this statutory rape? Or is this just a moosedemeanor?
  20. You obviously need this on the iPhone for the less-than-lethal situations http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/itaze-the-best-taser-tazer/id300561684?mt=8
  21. Most Popular T Shirt in Scotland During the World Cup? BBC News - HMV rejects 'anti-English' ABE T-shirt slur
  22. *cough* Audio DiffMaker *cough* And a digital volt meter on the outputs fed, say A 1Khz tone should tell if there is any level difference in the output.
  23. Motorola joins in the Snarking Motorola advert revels in anti-iPhone schadenfreude ? The Register
  24. Grahame

    slow forum

    BP T-Shirt - We're Bringing Oil to America's Shores
  25. Beelee in action Charlie, she's trying to tell you the iPhone's upside down -- Engadget
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