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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. Just add Burning Van and "Next turn in 253 miles" for the full effect.
  2. Head Case, The HC stands for Hard Core!
  3. I've just completed several google searches on hardcore, and I'm shocked, just shocked, that its seems to be less about headphones and more about other things. Chairs, perhaps?
  4. I can see why Ingredients ... 1/4 pound slab bacon, diced
  5. This pokey motoring show, on BBC2
  6. Ric, I'm interested in you expectations / expected use case. It sounds like you want to use a non native file system containing non native music files, that are volatile, and frequently updated via an additional samba process over an admittedly marginal wireless link on a resource constrained embedded linux installation Have you tried ssh'ing into the box to see how many additional process and resources this approach takes Have you tried un-mounting the device , mounting it on another system, and just deleting the ".Squeezebox" folder, as this is where the database / persistent caches are written, then re-inserting / rescanning. What benefits do you expect from "sharing" a storage device vs dedicating one - vs your time ? Just interested. Currently Chillin' to some Caf
  7. Grahame

    Audeze LCD-2

    I'm guessing the correct answer would be to plot SPL vs THD using the LCD-2 as the transducer in Tylls Headphone measurement lab, comparing the iPod vs amped iPod as source.
  8. Get a good one. you know, one that ...
  9. Mig-25 de-icer? Pitkyaranta Journal - She's in the Kitchen, and She's Not Making Blinis - NYTimes.com
  10. Grahame

    slow forum

    Ah, the Soviet system Pitkyaranta Journal - She's in the Kitchen, and She's Not Making Blinis - NYTimes.com People drank cologne and even brake fluid in search of refreshment. Air force pilots took to drinking the exceptionally pure alcohol used as a de-icer in MIG-25 jets, Mr. White noted, a practice so popular that the MIG-25 acquired the nickname ''the flying restaurant.'' Mig-25 Pilot to control tower: "encountering ice, deploying de-icer" Some covered up their tippling by replacing the de-icer alcohol with water. This worked until their jets iced up in flight.
  11. Grahame

    slow forum

    If my google-fu is correct The zero/zero ejection seat is the SJU-5/6 from Martin Baker Aircraft Company Ltd in the UK.
  12. With a Touch, above? Nice! x2
  13. Grahame

    slow forum

    One of my pet peeves is the almost constant use of cell phones by people while driving, shopping, dining, in line at the store and most especially at the beach. Who the hell wants to have a conversation at the beach? Between the music and the sound of the surf, how could anyone hear to have a conversation? Does no one know how to say, ‘I’ll call you back?’ Well, it has gone beyond that now with phones being used in supposedly relaxing getaway places such as the beach. This is beyond inconsiderate. While on the beach recently, I had to sit there and listen to this woman chatter on for at least an hour as she pranced back and forth in front of me. I couldn’t concentrate on my book. I really wanted to relax, work on my tan and read this great novel but noooo, this chick had to yammer on and on. Take a look at these images and you’ll see what I’m talking about. How could anyone get a chance to read a book when this woman was spending all of this time talking on the phone right in front of me. Cell Phone Rudeness | MoonDog Sports
  14. Ric, Some thoughts - no observed issues here. Are you using the analog outs or digital to a dac? If analog, what is the input sensitivty/range of what you are connecting it to? What track are you using? what are the replay gain tags of the Track? what does the wave form look like in Audacity?
  15. Red Tequila, anyone?
  16. Grahame

    slow forum

  17. It would be interesting to see the QA/Test logs for this. Did you Photograph / write down the Serial # ? (Any way of getting / noting firmware # / revision )
  18. Grahame

    slow forum

  19. Grahame

    slow forum

    Fart Operated Random Channel TV Remote
  20. The UK has learnt much from our colonial cousins BBC News - Taser accidentally discharged into Somerset man's groin Cops taser Somerset chap's nether regions ? The Register
  21. Think 'Judasphone' vs 'Jesusphone' (http://www.yourdictionary.com/computer/jesus-phone) - make sense now?. But your are right, the Judasphone has an Achilles' heel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  22. Reg reader tweaks Jobs with Judasphone.com ? The Register http://judasphone.com/
  23. Grahame

    slow forum

  24. Think of it like a van, that should have been all shiny and new, but instead repeatedly caught fire. Demand satisfaction!
  25. Well, the BlacX experiment worked well [ATTACH=CONFIG]3387[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]3388[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]3389[/ATTACH] It was a WD 750GB Sata Drive with a mixture of Flac, MPs and video files. searched for and and identified some ~10K files Them scanned them in about 45 minutes, Then about 5 minutes for the art work. Played locally, now serving a Squeezeplay on the PC
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