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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Grahame

  1. And on that harmonious bombshell
  2. Learn Your Damn Homophones http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKtJ9P9pEmE
  3. Is your state of denial also soluble in alcohol?
  4. A fine updated adaptation. Deducing the actual programme, should be, elementary.
  5. Somewhere, some aluminium swarf is thinking what it could have been, if only things had turned out differently.
  6. Happy Birthday Todd. Have whatever kind of day you want
  7. @Steve: Sorry to hear about your dog. He has a good friend in you. @Al: Glad to hear all's well that ends well. Same serial# and firmware? @Naaman: remember, it''s all about the ...
  8. Grahame

    slow forum

    [url=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1298651/New-Harrods-owners-cars-worth-1-5m-CLAMPED.html]New Harrods owners see cars worth
  9. Grahame

    slow forum

    Learn Your Damn Homophones
  10. Ahh, Kids. Aren't they adorable. My, how we laughed.
  11. Adult industry sees iPorn potential in new phone - Yahoo! Finance
  12. Film the destruction, and post on youtube to become a viral sensation!
  13. SupersizedMeals.com - In 'n' Out 100x100 Burger Fast Food News: The In-N-Out 100 x 100
  14. Magical, Revolutionary, Insanely Great, restoring a childlike sense of wonder.
  15. Maybe you'd like something more reasonable, with similar heritage PUSSER'S - The Single Malt of Rum PUSSER'S - About Pusser's British Navy Rum Pusser's - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  16. Those of you with a taste for rum and 600 quid to spare might like to uncork a bottle of Black Tot "Last Consignment" British Royal Naval Rum, lovingly decanted from the official stocks held by the Senior Service since sailors' final rum ration in 1970. [url=http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/07/29/black_tot_rum/]Authentic Navy rum: Yours for
  17. Grahame

    slow forum

    look what happens when you search for gay on Cover Browser Cover Browser search results for "gay"
  18. The trick is knowing the secret In-N-Out’s Secret Menu :: Badmouth IN-N-OUT Burger
  19. ^ "Plundering Cities, and Pillaging towns" Don't let Spritzer catch you I think I have a signed copy of "HYPE", the vinyl and the book back in the UK.
  20. Now there's a blast from the past. Anyone want to buy a used Starfighter?, or buy an acre of ground, and wait? I was lucky enough to see Rob perform in KRANKSCHAFT Cabaret and THE KID FROM SILICON GULCH downstairs at theatrespace, by Charing Cross. Ah youth.
  21. El Reg wades in on the "Apple fondle slab wars are go" iPad alert: Are you a selfish elite or an independent geek? ? The Register
  22. It’s not exactly official, but should also surprise no one: According to a new study the psychological profile of iPad owners can be summed up as “selfish elites” while have-not critics are “independent geeks.” iPad Owners Are ‘Selfish Elites.’ Critics Are ‘Independent Geeks.’ Discuss. | Epicenter*| Wired.com
  23. If only, Comcast has now instituted a 250GB/month cap here, now so whats a boy to do? [ATTACH=CONFIG]3406[/ATTACH]
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